2~ Words with Impact

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Victor H22 came into my room as I finished putting my books back, he frowned. "Why did you take so long?" He asked.

"I had to find the glue and there were a lot of pages that fell out, I also had to figure out which ones went in which book." I lied. Victor H22 nodded and looked around the room a bit.

"You still feel fine?" He asked, I nodded. "Well in half an hour the lights turn off, get ready for bed." Victor H22 said firmly. This was normal routine, I wake up, eat breakfast, clean my teeth, brush my hair, get changed, do my chores, study, wait. Then lunch, more chores, I get handed new things to study maybe some tests and activities to do too, then I do some of that. At the end of the day Victor H22 tells me the lights turn off in half an hour and to get ready for bed, I do it, I go to bed and sleep, that was my daily routine. Though since Xenos can now talk to me I'm probably going to have a much more interesting schedule... I walk into the bathroom and get ready for my shower when I hear Xenos yell "Hey! What are you doing right now?"

"I'm about to have a shower." I shouted in reply.

"Okay tell me when your done." Xenos yelled. I have my shower quickly and change into my nightgown, just like most things it was white, it was lined with lace, stained a bit of course. I clean my teeth and do some other stuff, after I was done all I needed to do was brush my hair and go to sleep so I walked back into my room and sit on my bed. I start brushing my hair and say "Back."

"Finally! You take forever!" He exclaimed, I laugh and smile, for some reason his joking around made me thankful that I wasn't human, that I was imprisoned and would never see grass in person, this moment made me feel more free than I ever remember. "Sooooo..." Xenos said.

"What's the outside like? You know, before you were here and stuff." I ask, I put down my brush and lie in bed. I watch the ceiling and listen to Xenos "Well I lived in a little house with my family, my Mum, my Dad, my big brother and my dog. The roof was navy blue and the walls were painted cream, we had really green grass and red rose bushes, there was a gnome that was mooning at anyone who'd walk by the house and the mail box was a hollow sculpture of a big dog. The sky was a bright blue in the middle of the day but in was pinkish at the beginning and the end of the day when the sky is turning to or from to blue, to or from black with stars crowding the sky like a crowd at a concert." Xenos said, I didn't understand some of it but I loved listening to him be so happy. "I used to hang out at this park with my friends, the park had a load of trees and there was a field of grass freshly cut every Friday. My friends and I would play, I guess a version of paint ball, the thing is we'd use rocks instead of paint balls and we wouldn't have guns or teams, it would just be who ever had the least bruises at the end of the game wins." He kept on talking but I stopped paying attention because he made less and less sense. He chuckled now and then and eventually I heard him whisper "Goodnight Jules." At that I collapsed into sleep.

"Breakfast J556." A man grunted and placed the food on my floor before slamming the door violently. I ate the food slowly, maybe yesterday was just a dream, after all there was so much nonsense. I half hoped it was real, half hoped it was fake; it would be nice to have a friend but I could get into so much trouble if he was real. But all the work she did to pretend he wasn't real was worthless, because a voice spoke. "Jules?" I was shocked, he was real? Silence followed and I heard metal scraping the plate for scraps. He was real. He was real. He was real. He was real. He was real. He was real...... He was real, he was behind my back wall, he wasn't part of some desperate dream to satisfy my need for company. "X-xeno-os-s?" I stutter.

"JULES!!! I THOUGHT I WAS GOING CRAZY!!!" Xenos exclaimed.

"Well I thought you were a dream so I was kind of shocked when I heard you." I say. I hear Xenos laugh then a few things shuffle. "Let me see you." He ordered. I quickly brush my hair and give my teeth a quick clean, then I crawl under my bed. I see him automatically grin as he sees me, he wasn't wearing a shirt and he only had white trousers on. "Morning." Xenos whispered.

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