1~ Xenos

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~Thank you for your patience, I am only publishing this chapter early, I hope you enjoy.~

Fun Fact: Xenos has various meanings one is Greek for a stranger.

Also Xenophon is Greek for strange voices or strong sounding.

After what seemed like two hours the vibration stopped, I began to clean up but five minutes later Victor H22 walked in and observed the room. Victor H22's eyes snapped towards me making harsh contact with my eyes "How do you feel?" He asked quickly.

"A bit shaky after the big vibration thingy but okay." I answered timidly. Victor H22's eyes softened.

"Good. J556, what you just experienced was an Earthquake, it could do quiet some damage. If anything is broken please report it to me, now glue your books back together, clean your room and you can have the day off. I have to help fix somethings." Victor H22 said briskly and then walked away, locking my door behind him. I pile my books in a corner and begin to remake my bed when I heard voices, I never heard voices when no one else was in my room and the door was closed... I listened closely '-ay off. I have to help fix somethings.' A deep voice said and I heard a door close and get locked, then some paper being moved around."H-h-he-hello?" I stutter. I hear something drop.

"WHERE ARE YOU!? I KNEW I WAS BEING BLOODY WATCHED, BLOODY GOOD YOU'RE FINALLY SPEAKING UP!!! SEVEN MONTHS!!! YOU'RE A WUSS! COME ON AND FIGHT ME NOW SO I MIGHT GET OUTTA THIS HELL HOLE!!!" A voice yelled, I could tell it was a male, but his voice was a bit squeaky for a male... I had no idea what he was talking about though. "W-what? Who are you?" I whisper. Silence follows for a while so I decide I must have just been imagining the voice and began cleaning again, but the voice came back. "Xenophon, or as these people call me, X9. You?"

"J556." I answered, wondering what Xenophon's powers were, leading me to wonder what mine were.

"What's your real name?" Xenophon asked, his voice held so much emotion, so strong and so many...

".... Julie." I said, I hadn't used that name for a while, I hardly even remember ever answering to that name. "That's a nice name, so Julie, how old are you?" Xenophon asked.

"Ummm.... I think fourteen now..." I said, I didn't really think about it that much, not like there was anything special about being a year older, I didn't see the point of keeping track.

"I'm fourteen too!" Xenophon said excitedly.

"Xenophon, do remember what powers you have? Or what your life was like before you came here?" I asked curiously, my throat felt funny seen I don't usually talk this much.

"Of course, I've only been here seven months. How long have you been here? Oh and call me Xenos, or X, or Teddy."



"No, I mean why can I call you teddy? It has nothing to do with your name."

"Because it sounds more friendly, like you know a teddy bear."

"A what?"


"No, what is it?"

"Julie, how- Wait, Julie, please, how long have you been here for?"

"Since I was four, why?"

"Oh, of course... That explains a lot."

"What do you mean?"

"Jules, everyone knows about teddy bears unless they've been extremely isolated since a really young age." Xenophon said like if this was obvious. Then he began mutter something that sounded like "Lucky, you probably never got the birds and bees speech, total torture, worst of all that was my last conversation with Mum!" Though I must have miss heard because that made no sense. "HEY!" Xenophon yelled.

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