4~ Braver in Lead

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Dear Jules,

I've written this letter because I do in fact care about you. You told me you never wanted to me hear again, you never said anything about letters though. Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that I didn't care about you, I care more about you than I did about most of my old friends. I seriously hope you can forgive me because it's been torture without our conversations. I heard you haven't been eating, please eat, I don't want you to die from starvation or under nutrition, if you won't forgive me at least look after yourself and that means you have to eat. I heard you fighting with Victor H22, is that guy a robot cause he sounds like one. What happened after you fighted Victor H22? He mentioned a 'slay room', what is that? Did he take you there? I heard you screaming then you were gone for half an hour and returned crying, are you alright? Are you okay with me sending you letters? How have you been? How mad are you at me? Please reply.


I found the letter under my bed and the message was scrolled messily in lead pencil. I smiled, he didn't mean it. Now that I think about it he had tried telling me that straight away and tried to apologise but I hadn't let him. But he truly cared, why else would he bother finding a loop hole to talk to me again? I eagerly grabbed a paper and pencil and wrote in an elegant handwriting.

Dear X,

Nice loop hole. I forgive you and I'm sorry for yelling at you even when you tried to apologise. You really care that much about me? Wow! I missed you too. Yea I wasn't eating for a while... Kind of because I missed you. Yea, I will eat again. Yes I was fighting with Victor H22, I don't know what a robot sounds like so I can't really say if I agree. After I fought Victor H22, he threw me into the slay room, a torture room. Yes, I've been to the slay room before and I screamed because I was scared. I was tortured there and when I came back I was in so much pain I cried. I'm not sure I'm alright... Yes I'm fine with you sending me letters. I've been... well tortured, so yea. I'm not mad at you. I replied!


I slipped the paper through the crack and tapped my leg impatiently with my pencil. I hardly noticed the pain I was in because thankfully Xenos had distracted me with his letter.

Dear beautiful Jules,

Thanks, it took a while to find. Really!? You forgive me? You don't need to apologise, I shouldn't have said it in the first place and I was jerk to do it, you were just upset. Yes I care about you that much, I care so so so much about you. You missed me? Yay! Thank you, I was really worried. You missed me that much!? HE TORTURED YOU!?!?!? WHEN I MEET THAT GUY I'M GONNA RIP HIS ROBOT VOCAL CHORDS OUT AND TURN THEM INTO A ROPE TO HANG HIM BY!!! I wish I could have protected you or comforted you afterwards. I'd offer you a hug but there's this damn wall in the way... Good, I'm enjoying sending you letters. Again I shall kill that Victor H22. Thanks for not being mad. Hahahaha, yes, I see you did reply!


I laugh and smile at Xenos' letter. Then I began to write back.

Dearest X,

Yes I forgive you. I do need to apologise, I was a jerk too and you were upset too, we were equally responsible. I'm flattered you care so much. Yes I missed you. No problem, my stomach was complaining anyway. Yes, I missed you more than I was in pain in the slay room, and trust me, I thought it was impossible to feel more than that before I meet you. Yes, he tortured me. I'll enjoy watching you do that to him. It's alright, if you had tried to protect me you would have been hurt too and you are comforting me, with these letters. A hug? I can't even remember what that feels like, yea, damn wall. I'm enjoying reading your letters. Again I'll enjoying watching you kill Victor H22. No problem.

-The apparently beautiful Jules

I passed the letter through the crack and minutes later a letter fell through the crack.

Dear Wonderful, cute, innocent, modest, amazing, beautiful, perfect Jules,

Yay, you forgive me, and fine, you can apologise and I'll forgive you. You weren't a jerk and I'm an idiot who can't think, it was all my fault. I'm glad I flattereded you. :D Hahaha, well your stomach should feel better after you've eaten. Wow, that much? I'm just... Wow, I don't know how you could miss me so much, I'm not the greatest guy. I'll make sure you have a front row seat at Victor H22's death. :3 I would sacrifice myself for you gladly. Really? They're just letters from an idiot. You defiantly need a hug than. Yes you are beautiful. I'm not sure why we're still writing and not talking. :D


I read through the letter, how am I supposed to respond to that? Xenos was so sweet. I finally decided to talk out loud "Seriously? 'Dear Wonderful, cute, innocent, modest, amazing, beautiful, perfect Jules'?" I laugh.

"Yea." Xenos whispered with a shaky laugh.

"What's the matter? You sound nervous."

"It's just... Your voice, even though it's a bit hoarse... It sounds beautiful."

".... Who are you? What have you done to my friend?"

"Sorry, I guess it's just that I haven't heard you in so long with out your voice ringing with pain or not talking to me."

"Awwwwwww, someone missed me?"

"Hey you said you missed me too!"

"Meh, possibly, though I'm not calling your voice beautiful." I declared, earning a musical laugh.

"I wouldn't have it any other way." Xenos told me in what I guess was a loving tone.

"And I promise if I find a way to escape we'll go escape together." I promised, and I meant it. Xenos laughed. "Cool." Xenos stated. We continued to talk for hours on end... Until he asked to see me.

"No." I stated bluntly.

"Jules, in front of the crack, now." Xenos demanded. I sigh, finally giving up. I was still wearing the dress I wore in the slay room. Stained in blood and ripped at the stomach to reveal the horrid gashes. My hair was still in tangles and the bruises were clearer than ever. I crawl under the bed and look at Xenos with a weak smile, knowing he'll start yelling what he's planning on doing to Victor H22. His face coloured in shock first, then began to slowly darken with anger and disgust. I saw him disappear and hear something smash. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! I'll rip his legs off, then his arms, I'll beat his head with his own arms, whack 'em where the sun don't shine with his own legs, pluck each hair out of his head and stab his eyes out! I'll force him to bathe in acid and have rats chew his face off, pull his finger nails out one by one! I'll throw him in a cave and keep him there 'till he goes mad! Feed him his own hand! Do what he did to you to him! Make him drink liquid nitrogen 'till his head explodes! I'll-I'll-I'll"

"Xenos, calm down!" I pleaded. A book flies past the crack and I see a mirror being stabbed by a pen. "Xenos, please, please, stop, I don't want you getting into trouble!" I begged. Xenos carried on with his rampage. "XENOPHON!!!" I scream. He stops and breathes heavily.

"Sorry about that." He panted.

"Some one got a bit carried away." I sang.

"Sorry, it's just, I got so angry that I wasn't able to be there for you, to protect you. You look so beaten and in pain." Xenos mummbled.

"Xenos, I'm fine." I assured him softly. He went infront of the crack, frowning and red faced.

"Have you seen yourself?! Your dress is ripped and drenched with your blood, cheeks are swollen from the bruises, your is tangled there are cuts all over your arms and there are so many gashes on your stomach that it's almost all red." Xenos said, he was right, I was a right royal mess, but I was costomed to it now. I didn't want Xenos being punished because he was upset about me. "Xenos, you don't need to worry about me, I'm used to it." I told him, he scowled and stared at me. I give him my best 'your overreacting' look and crawl out from under my bed. I brush my blond hair and have a shower. I change into another white dress, this one was a winter dress, it had long sleeves and a turtle neck, it also ended at my ankles. I brush my hair again and put it in a pony tail. "Jules?" Xenos said.


"I'm so glad I meet you, even if I have to be trapped in this hell hole, you make it worth it." Xenos whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2013 ⏰

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