Chapter 1 : Daughter

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" I'm sorry Ms. Bhagat but our hotel requires an experienced chef and you don't have that. Better luck next time. " Said the interviewer.

My mood dropped and I stood up from the uncomfortable office chair. This was my third unsuccessful interview of the day. I pushed the matte glass door open and made my way out of the hotel.

I had already booked the cab and once I spotted it I made my way towards it and inside the cab. I gave the driver the code and the car took off shortly after. I leaned against the headrest as I tried to stop thinking about the rejection I had to face, every time I gave an interview, just because I didn't have any experience.

I have experience cooking food for my family and I make really good food, and I wish that was enough, along with my degree in culinary arts to land me a job as a chef in a decent hotel. Because the cheap ones don't pay you enough as compared to the amount of work they make you do.

I opened the door to my house and walked in after removing my sandals outside. I heard the footsteps of my mother coming towards the drawing room from the kitchen. The smell of freshly baked chocolate cookies hit my nostrils and immediately I felt hungry.

" How was the interview? " She asked smiling as she leaned against the door frame with a plate of chocolate cookies in one hand, eyes hopeful.

The hunger went out the door and I shook my head. She must feel so disappointed in me. I looked down.

" Don't you dare think I'm disappointed in you. I know you tried your best, " She began as she came closer to me, " Here, have the cookies. I made them for you. " She smiled as she handed the plate to me.

Her words did put a stop to the negative thoughts in my head. I took one off the plate and bit it. The cookie was no doubt delicious but it lacked a little in sweetness. I smiled back at her, not wanting her to doubt her baking skills.

I sat on the L-shaped sofa and patted the empty space next to me. My mother sat down besides me and I pulled her into a hug.

" When are you going to grow up? " She asked as she hugged me back.

" The age gap between us is always going to be the same and I'm always going to be your little baby whether you like it or not and I'm not going to stop acting like one. "

I pulled away from the hug and smiled again at her which she returned. The sadness was long gone and peace and contentment took its place.

" When's daddy coming home? "

She looked at the clock right besides the door frame of the kitchen and turned towards me.

" It's almost time. Are you going to make dinner today? "

" Yeah. "

Cooking always makes me feel better. But, the problem is, what should I make?

I went through a number of dishes in my head before deciding to make caprese Mac 'N' cheese along with some salad.

I changed my clothes and washed my face before entering the kitchen and wearing my apron.

Time to have some fun!


" You really make good food. Your husband is one lucky guy, I'll say that. " Said my father, causing me to shift awkwardly in my seat.

We finished dinner about half an hour ago and were sitting in the drawing room talking about how our day was.

We always sat together at night and talked about almost everything that happened during the day. Of course, leaving out a few details.

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