Chapter 3 : Luck

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Trammbun looked like a place I had never seen till today. Though it's true the number of places I've been to is quite less.

I booked a cab and called my parents as I sat inside it, not before taking the photo of the driver and the car.

" How are you, honey?" "How are you sweety? " My mom and dad said at the same time, which caused me to smile a bit.

" I'm good. I have reached Trammbun and it's such a wonderful place. It's so lively. When I come back I'm going to be bringing you so many nice gifts. " Thinking of that, I can't wait to go back home.

" We have good news to share with you....those people....they gave us a year for the repayment of debt.."

" What?!! Really!!! "

" Really. "

" That's really good to know. I feel a bit at ease now. " That was the truth. But still, it feels a bit odd. Why would they give us more time suddenly?

Before I could think any further the driver snapped me out of it as I had arrived at my destination.

Out of nowhere my palms started to get cold and all sweaty, something that happens when I'm either nervous or excited. Well, definitely nervous in this case!!

The gates were humongous and even more humongous was the whole house, no mansion! Now I was feeling excited.

The guards asked me about who I was , what was my purpose and all. They all looked so buff and scary. I don't want to ever mess with them. They could easily send me flying back to where I came from.

" Miss we need to check you for any weapons." One of them said.

" Ok, but wouldn't it be better if a female did this. I'd feel awkward and unsafe if a man did it. "

Silence was all I got. But, they didn't move an inch from their place. I didn't know what to do? Should I just go in? No! I don't want to take any chances with these people.

After about a minute a lady came from what felt like the backyard of the house. She looked strong as well and scary too.

She checked me for any weapons and she suddenly stopped at my ankles. Why? Then I realised I had hidden a knife in there, for safety reasons because I was travelling alone.

She took out the knife and stared at me blankly, looking...perhaps bored?

" What's this?" She asked.

" A knife. " She smirked.

" Oh... why have you brought it? " She asked, looking a bit irritated.

" For safety reasons...I was travelling alone... that's why. "

I barely dodged a punch she threw my way, suddenly. My heart raced up and I looked at her shocked.

" You didn't have to do that. What if I hadn't dodged it?! I'm still young and I certainly don't want broken bones. I already told you I brought the knife for safety reasons . Nothing else."

" You're lucky, I don't ever miss my target. "

I gulped slightly as she moved aside and pointed towards the entrance of the house, allowing me to go in.


My interview went surprisingly better than I had expected. The interviewer was a lady who looked like she was in her late 30's. But there were many candidates who had some experience with being a maid, unlike me.

Anyways, I have no other option than to wait. I was sitting on a chair near the servant's quarter and suddenly I had the urge to go outside into the garden. It'll probably take some more time for the results to be announced and I don't even know if I'll be getting selected or not. There were others sitting around me, but no one was talking to each other. There was silence in the whole hall which became quite unbearable and so I finally made my way outside into the garden.

A little boy came running into the garden from behind me, followed by
...a very scary looking man. He looked irritated.

The little boy hugged from my waist. Ok, what am I supposed to do?

I simply hugged the boy back and looked at the man who was now standing in front of me. And all this happened right in front of the door.

" Please help me ma'am, I don't know him. " He started crying while hugging.

" Ollie!! What are you saying?!! I'm your dad!! " The man shouted.

" Noooo! Ma'am!! Save me I don't know this man. "

Even with such a good security, strangers like him can enter the house?

I hugged the boy tightly and shouted for the guards.

" Stay away from him, if you don't want to get yourself badly injured or maybe killed. How did you even enter the mansion with such tight security. " I yelled at him as he moved closer.

" GUARDS!!! GUARDS!!! " I yelled at the top of my lungs.

Where are these so called guards.

" Listen lady, he's really notorious and this is our personal matter, you better stay out of it. " He told me calmly.

" Why should I trust you? Look the kid is crying so much. You think I'll trust you? I'm not leaving this kid alone. "

I unwrapped my hands from around the boy and pulled out the knife from my socks. I threatened him with it as he moved closer. He did look shocked, as he should.

" What happened? " The lady guard quickly ran towards us.

" He's trying to kidnap this little boy. How did you all not even notice this stranger walking in!! Quickly, call the police and take him away. The boy is crying so much. " I moved my hands gently over the boy's head trying to calm him down. He must've been scared.

" It's ok darling, don't cry. I'll make sure he goes to jail and he won't ever come near you. " I looked at the man with determination of getting him away from this little guy.

The boy hugged me tightly.

" Do you even realise what the hell you're saying?!! He's not a stranger, he's Ollie's dad and the young master of this mansion " The lady said.

" Nooooo!! I don't know him and this demon lady as well. " Olie cried even more.

" I see. So you're with him that's why he was able to get inside."

" What's happening!?? " A deep voice yelled from behind.

" Dad, Ollie's creating a scene here. And misguiding the lady as well. " The man said. Ok now I was questioning myself.

" He's claiming that he doesn't know me. " He said.

" Olie, why would you do that to your dad ? Did he do something, tell me. I'll punish him. " The man, who I now suppose is Ollie's grandpa.

I froze at my place, realising what I had done. Ollie on the other hand separated himself from me and smirked at his dad. Ok, where did all those tears go. I couldn't look at Ollie's dad and I quickly scurried inside, going under the grandpa's arm which was on the door frame, not looking back.

I'm done for!!! I don't think I'll be getting a job now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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