Chapter 2 : Decision

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My father gulped visibly. The man took out a pocket knife and pointed it towards my dad's neck. Suddenly, anger started bubbling inside of me and I moved quickly towards the man.

I grabbed the knife from his hand roughly which caused the others to pull out theirs.

" Look, I really don't know what the problem is but if you dare to threaten my family with this thing," I said pointing towards the knife, " I will chop off those filthy hands and for your information a chef is very good at chopping things off. "

He signalled the others to take down their weapons and smiled at me, completely unfazed by my threat. This made me even more angry.

My mother held me back by my shoulders as I stepped forward. I turned towards her and she mouthed the words 'please don't '.

I sighed heavily before opening my mouth, " See, we'll give you the money that we owe you but you must give us some time. Use some logic man, if my family's per year income is 500,000 how the hell are we gonna pay 3 billion in 3 months. Or, perhaps, you don't know how to count? Weak at mathematics? "

" Shut the hell up!! You think we care how you gonna pay us?! You pretty dumb. " It was the woman.

" Stop it!! ," The man shouted, " fine we're giving you 4 months. If you're unable to pay the debt you'll end up... "

" See? You really don't know math?"

" Ira!! For god's sake stop it. You don't know how serious the matter is and what if something happened to you or your mom? " My dad shouted.

I looked down realising that they could probably kill me or my family anytime. I'm just so stupid.

With this they finally went away.

" Why didn't you tell me about this? " I turned towards my parents.

" Such a huge amount. Why?!! " I was crying by now. My parents were carrying such a huge tension on their backs and I didn't know, most importantly I couldn't get a job or do something to help them.

" It's all my fault!! I should've just accepted any job I was offered. I'm so sorry mom and dad. I'm 26 and still can't help my family!! I'm still a burden!! I'm really sorry!! " I was sobbing by now and I felt my mom hug me.

" No, it's not your fault sweety. Not your fault. You are not a burden on us and it's not like you didn't try. We've seen you work hard for the interviews, applying for every position you could. And it's obvious that a person would apply for the position they're suitable and good at. You're good at cooking, your forte is cooking and you did what you thought was correct. So, please don't say that." My father said, crying as well.

" If we would've told you about this, then you would be over working yourself and we didn't want that to happen as long as we are alive." My mother said.

I still couldn't stop myself from blaming myself. I could've done something. No, but I had to waste time going out with my friends, being on phone most of the times during college. Such a loser!!

" Ira!! Stop blaming yourself in your head!! Come on!! Go to bed. Get some sleep. We'll talk about this when you're a bit relaxed. " My mother said pushing me towards the stairs.

" I'll try. "


" Are you sure? You don't have to be so hard on yourself. " My mom said as I pulled my luggage out from the car.

I couldn't sleep that night. I searched for jobs for hours on end, finally finding one - of a maid, in another state. I told my parents that I found a job for a personal chef, because I was damn sure they wouldn't let me go if I told them the truth. The whole ride to the airport was filled with my parents asking me whether I'm really sure, told me to take care of myself, call or message them everyday.

I felt a bit emotional about it but, I had to do it no matter what. I didn't want to be a burden anymore, didn't want my parents to suffer anymore. I wiped a tear that was about to roll down from the corner of my eye.

After researching for hours the one thing that I came to know is that even the maids are richer than my family in Trammbun. I had told my parents that I was selected in the interview but, in reality I am not even sure if they would even hire me as a maid, I did make a phone call though.

After saying goodbye to my parents and hugging them, clicking photos etc. I went inside the plane.

You have to do this Ira. Wait!! I forgot to tell my friends about it. I hope they don't get mad. I decided about going to Trammbun the next day of that awful night but planning about it took me around a week. I know it was still such a short time.

About the place I'm staying? They told me that if I get hired they'll provide me with a place to stay. So, if I don't get hired I don't know where to go, I don't have relatives over there. Thinking about this scares me a lot but, you gotta do what you gotta do.

" Here I come Trammbun!! "

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