Tiff's Diary, 2/27?/22

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Okay. Calm down, Tiff. Cool your jets. When did you get so angry? When did you get so unlikable? You weren't like this two years ago. It's no wonder that you don't know anyone as well as you think you do. It's no wonder this is your immediate reaction. You asked what was wrong with Aconita and what was wrong with Drake. Well, what's wrong with you?

Calm down. Worse things have happened than this. You've been through worse. You're not in Florida anymore. Get your head straight.

You really botched that one, huh? Not as bad as Drake, but definitely still bad. Loss of control, running your mouth, fists clenched so hard you could break something, mind a blank red, lips spilling an endless fuck you... Tiff, you really messed that up.

Why weren't you fascinated? You were fascinated when you got there. The condescension of some fae creature set you over the edge, huh? And you lashed out? Like you always do? God, Tiff, what is wrong with you?

Still, who does Aconita think she is? And where does she get the audacity? Calling humanity worthless, infecting our woods with her sick, twisted games...

Side note: I wonder if there's a way we can make it so that it never happens again? If we could find all the extant versions of this Fever Thorn Rose, and if we could take care of them the way we plan to take care of this one, then perhaps we could prevent this from happning again. And perhaps we could prevent this particular cruelty from happening. (Aconita-wise, I mean.)

You're getting ahead of yourself, Tiff.

Think. Think. What needs to be done here? What's your plan?

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