Spinning Decay Journal Entry #1 (Denny)

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Wow. Shit, dude, this thing is practically empty. I guess that's what I get for not writing in here, but on a notepad in my car that the neighbor kid dumped an entire 2L of grape soda on. Why did he do that? I have no clue.

I didn't have a whole lot of anything in there anyway. Mostly just dates I already know, and a lot of griping about Dad. He says he's staying in town until after my birthday. I don't know if I can make it to February without screaming in the woods or something. I've been trying to look at the good things, like how Coach Brower at the high school brought me in to help coach the girls' basketball team now that football season is over, and Mr. Keller has me helping out with the middle school team, but the Dad of it all is really overshadowing things. (At least Coach Brower didn't seem to care about the weird shit surrounding me. Now there's a guy who knows weird things.)

I've got other things to worry about, though. Things worse than Dad. For one, Betty's on her way to the University of Tennessee to do a tour, and it's very possible that she's going to find out what happened. It's not that I don't think the kid can keep a secret. She very clearly can. I just didn't think I could be so easily found out. I mean, they're bound to mention what happened with Joey on that tour, and I think my life here will be very quickly ruined, too. Damn. Y'know? But it's whatever. It's all fine.

There's other shit to worry about, too. Worr, worry, worry-- I haven't been this stressed since I was fourteen (and I GUESS in March of last year, but whatever). There's something up with the woods. Something about spiders. I haven't gone out there except when necessary, so I don't really know, but I guess we're going to find out. It's a good thing I'm not SUPER upset about spiders (except when they're unexpectedly on me), but... Let's just say I'm a little worried.

It's going to be fine. Everyone else is very competent, no matter how incompetent I am. I've been working hard, though, so, if push comes to literal shove, hopefully I'll stay up for longer this time, and won't go down as easily. That way, I can make sure everyone is okay. I can definitely protect the people and things I love. Doesn't mean I'm not worried.

Well, I have to go pack shit in my car. Extra jackets. Blankets, water, soup, crackers, camp stove, Gatorade. Things like that. Dad sucks, but he does know about being safe in the cold, so I'll trust him on that. He should be out of here by my birthday, anyway. I can only hope I'll make it till then. (I would bring my gun, but I don't know how weird Lucky would be about it.) 

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