Home Sweet Home

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The pan sizzles with life. You attempt to flip the pancake over but it slips - flying across the kitchen as you stare in horror.

Catra catches it between her fingers. A wide smirk on her face. 'Hey, Y/n, how's it hanging?'

You sigh in disbelief as she takes a bite - then throws it back at you like a frisbee, 'catch.'

You miss and it lands on the floor. A little tabby cat comes and licks it off. The cute one you found in the woods.

'You're such an idiot.'

'I'm your idiot,' she purrs, grabbing your waist and kissing your lips.

You ditch the spatula and place your hands on either side of her - closing your eyes as you stay there - forehead to forehead.

'Why are you making pancakes, anyway?' Catra asks cynically, 'aren't we going to Spinnerella and Netossa's for dinner?'

'Hey - I can make pancakes if I want to!' you object.

'I'm sure you can,' Catra grins, eyeing you up. You laugh and poke her.

You've been married for nearly five months now but you still get chills every time you touch her.

Every time she touches you.

'Come on,' Catra chuckles, 'we're gonna be late.'

'You're always late!'

'Shut up!' she cries.

She's wearing her mauve pantsuit and holy shit!

'Give me five minutes,' you pout.

'Sure,' Catra rolls her eyes, 'five minutes.'

You kiss her cheek and go upstairs to your bedroom - pulling out a dress from the drawers. Perks of being gay - all your clothes fit ;)

You look out at the rustic scenery. After you and the gang restored the magic to Etheria, you did buy a property in Erelandia. The outskirts - a homey cottage not too far from the village and submerged in forest. The perfect place.

You two just liked the mushrooms too much...

You fix your hair in the mirror and pause for a moment - looking down at the ring on your finger. The goofy little thing Catra carved 66666 into with her claws.

A smile forms as you remember the wedding day. Like it was yesterday.

Choosing your outfits together - nearly boning in the bridal suite before Adora and Glimmer came to fetch you in their bridesmaids' outfits.

'All ready?' Adora said breathlessly - like she was more nervous than both of you combined.

'You both look so great!' Glimmer trilled - squeezing the life out of you.

'Can't - breathe-' Catra huffed, squirming free and landing in your arms.

They walked both of you down the aisle.

Holding hands. Blushing and teasing each other with your minds.

Bow was there - so were the other princesses and a bunch of mushroom people from the town chapel. Beaming up at you.

Your kitten and Swift Wind trailed behind you throwing petals at the guests. One landed on Catra's nose and she sneezed. The cutest sneeze in existence.

Double-Trouble initiated the wedding - clearing their throat dramatically and reading sacred scripture like they had been preparing for years. They probably had.

There was a random person hyping everyone up in the pew, 'this is so gay guys!'

'No homo if you're wearing socks!'

After The War - Catra X ReaderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora