Crimson Waste

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* Flashback *

'Catra - wait up!' you laugh, racing her to the Mystacor hotel room.

'Race you to the bed,' she shrieks, busting the door open and stopping dead.

You stumble next to her and take in the massive room with massive windows overlooking the beach and a massive... bed. 'Holy shit.'

She stares at it, in awe. Then at you. She smirks and drags you to it, throwing you down and getting on top of you.

You giggle, 'what are you-'

She shushes you with her finger, 'don't talk - you're gonna ruin the vibe.'

You grin as she strips and throws her clothes on the floor. Then rips open your top. Her boobs greet yours familiarly.

This is heaven.



Catra's pacing up and down the porch.

Your hands cradle your head.

Glimmer is standing still. Dread-stricken.

'She's going to die,' Catra mutters, 'she's going to fucking die for real this time.'

'No,' you denounce, 'Glimmer - there must be something more to this.' You look at her questioningly, 'why is the magic gone again?'

She looks down at the wooden tiles, 'I... I don't know. I wish I could've helped,' she adds, 'I've... I've let her down again.'

You put a hand on her back. She's about to cry, then takes in a deep breath. 'Why did you tell us she was back?'

'I - I wanted to tell you the truth,' she reveals, 'but... she didn't want people to worry - especially not you. She said she'd be back as soon as it's fixed but... It's been months.'

You try your best to stay calm.

Catra is losing it.

'Typical!' she spits, 'why does she always have to be the good guy?'

'It's better than being bad,' you mumble.

'Oh, I'd rather be back in the Horde than-' she stops herself, bites her tongue and turns from you timidly. 'It's not fair.'

You take her hand in yours to give her peace of mind. 'And we're sure Prime isn't back?'

'He can't be!' Glimmer cries, 'we got rid of him. We saw him go.'

But looks can be deceptive. Reality can be deceptive. 'Well, is there anyone else it could be?'

'Shadow Weaver from hell,' Catra mocks. But there's a tinge of sadness in her voice. She tightens her grip on your hand.

'What about the Horde?' you suggest, 'I know we defeated them and most of them joined our side but... what if some of them are still out there. Still evil?'

'They wouldn't,' Catra says, 'I know they've done awful things but... so have we, and we got a chance.'

You take this in grimly. Who else could it be?

'Unless it's not a person,' Glimmer brainstorms, 'what if it's - I don't know - some sort of weird magic powercut?'

You both look at her. Catra crosses her arms. 'I'm pretty sure Adora could deal with a magical powercut.'

'Yeah,' Glimmer intones, 'but we're kinda running out of options here.'

'Do you know how to contact Adora?' you interrupt, 'how to reach her?'

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