Doubt Comes In

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You process what Glimmer has just said.

Beast Island.

Instinctively you turn to Catra - who looks like she's about to shit herself.

'No!' she outright denies, 'you've got it wrong.'

'I don't,' Glimmer mutters, 'I know those coordinates - it's where my dad spent half of his life.' Her glance falls on Entrapta, who is examining the metal residue of the panel, 'and where you made Entrapta spend hers.'

Your wife turns bright red. 'Glimmer,' you warn, reaching for Catra's hand.

'Okay, so, Beast Island,' Scorpia wheezes, 'it can't be that bad, right?'

You all look at her. She scratches the back of her head awkwardly.

Catra slips out of your grasp and paces around. 'Out of all the places,' she hisses hysterically, 'it just had to be the fucking evil island.'

'It'll be okay,' you say, looking to the queen for reassurance, 'it'll be okay, right, Glimmer?'

Glimmer doesn't meet your eye. A nasty shiver runs down your body.

'Oh, Beast Island is a wonderful place!' Entrapta interjects, 'so much raw magic - and strange men with beards!'

'Yeah, hopefully we don't run into one of them,' you murmur under your breath. 

'We just need to get there and meet Adora outside the forcefield,' Glimmer reiterates, 'the faster we're in... the safer we'll be.'

'Great,' Catra scowls.

'What's your problem?' Glimmer snaps at her.

'What's my problem?' Catra shoots, 'oh, I don't know - maybe it's where I sent someone to die?' 

'Well, my dad was there too!' she screeches, 'and if it wasn't for you being so selfish we wouldn't have to go there in the first place.'

The room goes silent.

Catra stares at her. Slowly backing away.

You start forward, 'Catra, she didn't mean it.'

Catra glances blankly at you, then at the queen - who is still in a fit of anger. 


She pushes something over and leaves. You and Scorpia just gape at each other, Entrapta takes no notice and continues documenting her findings into her gadget.

'G-Glimmer,' you stutter, 'what was that?' 

She crosses her arms, 'I didn't say anything that wasn't true.'

'You know how bad she feels about sending Entrapta there,' you say, 'how bad she feels about what happened with Adora.'

'Does she?' she retorts, 'because it seems she doesn't care that Adora is risking her life for us one bit.'

You don't know what to say. You decide to say nothing and go and find your wife, scouring every bit of the Fright Zone for her. In the end, you find her in Hordak's sanctum - sitting sadly by the edge of the broken throne. 

'There you are.'

She hears you but just stares at the rocky ground as if she wants to be under it.

You crouch next to her, 'she didn't mean it.'

'Yeah right,' she scoffs, kicking the rubble, 'why am I such a fuck-up, Y/n?'

Your heart breaks hearing those words. You grab her firmly by her shoulders, 'you are not a fuck-up.'

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