Creepy Forest Bonding Time

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You wake up. Where the hell are you? 

This does not look familiar.

You feel a hand on you and start up - flicking it away from you and gasping.

'Ow!' someone screeches. You fling your head up and it's Catra - real Catra - picking at her arm painfully. 

You relax slightly and hug her, she hugs back, then abruptly lets go. 'C-Catra,' you manage, 'where are we?'

'I don't know,' she murmurs, looking at the vines and shuddering. 

'Are we...' you continue, 'underground?'

She doesn't reply but stands up, examining the space. 

You scratch your head, then remember the scar on your cheek, still pretty bad. Catra is staring right at it. You rise and come next to your wife. 'Don't,' she snaps, backing away, 'I - I don't want to hurt you again.'

Your face mellows and she looks away guiltily, bawling her fists. 'Let's just find a way out,' she huffs, 'Sparkles has to be round here somewhere.'

You nod, and, as much as you want to hold her right now, follow her aimlessly around the dark space.

Catra trips over some spikey bark and groans, brushing herself off.

'The hallucinations...' you start.

'Let's not talk about that,' Catra mutters, uncomfortably pacing on.

'I know you didn't mean to,' you assure, 'I know it was an accident.'

Catra halts and opens her mouth to argue. Then her ear perks up. 'This way,' she mutters, 'I can hear something.'

You come to a closing. Dark gems flicker and there is the queen - lying on the barky ground.

'Glimmer!' you yell, rushing over to feel her pulse.

Glimmer struggles for breath and sits up, summoning purple magic but failing. 'My magic!'

'Save it,' you reason, 'don't use it all up now.'

She rubs her eyes, 'what-' 

Catra approaches and the queen stops, glaring at her like she's killed someone.

Before things turn sour again, a groan issues from the other side of the dirt. Scorpia rises to her knees and feels her fluffy white head with weak pinchers, 'boy, that was a fall.'

You rush to help her up, but a purple ponytail gets there first. 'Ah - Entrapta!'


The robot scutters past you and your wife and jumps onto its owner's face. Catra's startled body finds its way into yours, then she realises where her hands are and guiltily withdraws.

You put a soothing hand on her, 'hey-'

'So um, guys,' Scorpia stutters, 'hate to interrupt - er - whatever's going in here - but, well, what just happened?'

'Hallucinations,' Glimmer starts, carefully looking round the space, 'it happened to Adora and Bow and my Dad too... when they were here.'

Catra's eyes look like broken daggers. Glimmer's still staring at her.

'Well, is there any way to stop them?' you ask.

'No. Just be careful,' Catra says, 'don't get too close to the plants.'

Glimmer nods darkly, seemingly agreeing with her.

Emily's making a cute beeping sound - Entrapta obliviously patting her head.

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2023 ⏰

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