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The mist rolls away and Scorpia stands there cradling four little scorpions in her pinchers. She puts them down on the sand and chases after the dinosaurs, 'shoo - off you go - and don't come back!'

'Scorpia!' you blurt, 'oh my god!' you go to hug her and for once you're the one squeezing the life out of her. 'Woah, woah - hey there Y/n,' she chirps, hugging you tightly. Then she registers Glimmer and Catra, 'hey guys!' she envelopes them up and Catra eventually accepts her fate. 'Huh - wait a minute,' Scorpia stumbles, 'not that I don't want to see you - you guys are welcome here any time you want - but, er, what are you doing here?'

Glimmer sighs, 'It's a long story.'

'Yeah,' you murmur, 'we have some news.'

'Hold up!' Scorpia blurts, 'don't tell me,' she rushes to Catra's belly, 'you guys are pregnant!'

'What?' Catra objects, pushing her off like it's the most outlandish thing ever, 'no!'

'Oh,' Scorpia ponders, 'trying?'

Catra groans and fixes her eyes on the ground.

You try not to choke on your saliva. 'It's actually about-'

Two of the lobster babies start crying.

'Aw,' Scorpia gushes, scooping them up, 'don't worry babies, Scorpia's got ya.'

Glimmer's eyes light up and she goes to stroke one. 'They're so cute.'

'Boy, they're a handful,' Scorpia chuckles, 'good thing I have a way with kids - a special bond one could say.'

Catra tentatively reaches a hand out to them, then retracts it and grabs yours instead.

You remember why you came.

'We need to speak to you about something.'

'Oh, you can tell me anything,' Scorpia assures, 'once I've made you some volcanic tea of course. The house isn't far from here, it's a ten-minute walk but-'

Glimmer grabs everyone and teleports you in front of a limestone lodging.

Scorpia looks at her with wonder, 'or... that works too.'

She leads you into the house and strolls into the living room, 'the parents are out at work today,' she explains, 'mind you - there's not much work in these parts. Not legal, anyway. So it's just me and the kiddos most of the time, isn't that right buddies?'

She tickles an exoskeleton and gets out some mugs, 'now, do you take your teas with mealworms or no mealworms?'

She starts tinkering with the tea bags and you awkwardly look around the space. A few pictures are on the wall of the family - all framed up. You glance at Catra.

That could be you one day.

'Thanks,' Glimmer says, as Scorpia hands you all a cup. Catra sniffs hers first and takes a cautious sip.

'Come on, Catra, it's not gonna kill you!' Scorpia jests.

A memory comes back of you and Catra - a week after the war had ended. You were in a restaurant in Elberon - your first official date. 'Hey,' you said, 'aren't you going to drink that?'

Catra shook her head and pushed the purple fizz away from her. You chuckled lightly, 'it's not gonna kill you, you know.'

'It might,' she objected, 'and I don't really want to die before we've got to...' she blushes, 'you know.'

You raised an eyebrow, 'do I?'

She briefly looked at you and then instantly looked away when you glanced back. 'Just - ugh-' she grabbed the drink and downed it, 'there - are you happy?'

After The War - Catra X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now