The First Step

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"Hold up, so when you said you were seeing things you actually meant it?!" Bella said. 
"Yeah. And the boy I met yesterday told me they were called shades." I said. The first bell then rang indicating class will start soon. "Okay. Just, be careful. We don't know if we can trust him. Stay safe, okay?" "Okay."

On my way to class, I saw 2 more shades. I couldn't really fight them like Hiroomi did, so I just had to deal with them. Luckily they didn't seem hostile, so I hurried away when I saw them.

"Ok class, today we will be starting off with algebra."
Everybody groaned.
When lunchtime finally arrived, (it honestly felt like forever,) I searched the cafeteria for my friend. When I spotted her, I went to go sit at her table. "So, any new friends yet?" Bella asked. "No, I don't feel like socializing. Plus, I have to still socialize after school today also." I groaned. "Oh right, the scarf boy. Let me know how it goes, okay?" Bella replied. "Okay-" "Hey, look! Its my new crush!" Bella pointed towards a boy with blonde hair. He seems to be a 2nd year. "You have a crush on a 2nd year?" I asked. Bella nodded. "Isn't he cute?!" "Bella, you should at least go for somebody in your own grade. And still, you hardly even know the guy!" I sighed. "I know, but I'll get over it eventually. Its just a crush." Bella said. "You better." I said. As I ate my noodles, I heard somebody call  my name. "Y/N! Hey, over here!" I look over in the direction of where I heard the voice, and I see scarf boy. He winks at me. "Oh, hey. I didn't realize you'd want me at lunch." Very quickly I start getting nervous. "Whose this?" Hiroomi looks at Bella. "Uhm, this is Bella, my best friend." I reply. Awkwardly, he looks at her, scanning her features. "Another dud. Anyways, I need to tell you something Y/N." "Excuse me, I am not a dud! I am a perfect masterpiece. Apologize now!" Bella blurts out. Hiroomi sighs, and walks closer to me. He puts his mouth to my ear, I start to blush from his closeness.

"Ill tell you more afterschool, but, do not talk to  Izumi Nase."

A New Perspective (Hiroomi Nase x FEM Reader)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu