Follow my lead

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"Can we leave now please.." I tiredly got up, begging to leave.

"Okay.. I guess you just don't look good in glasses. I've tried everything, but nothing works.." Akihito sighed.

I was too exhausted to argue, so I made my way to the door.

"Hey, may I walk you home?" Hiroomi asked.

I shook my head. I was too worn out to listen to him speak. I sluggishly walked home, hoping he wouldn't secretly tag along.


"Finally.. Home.." 

"Hey sis, you just missed the movie!" My brother said. 

Jeez, why did trying glasses on for hours tire me out? I should at least have some energy.

I start to trip over everything, and fell on the floor.

My brother's muffled words of worriedness was drowned out by a long high pitched sound in my ears.

Wow... Guess I hate glasses that much, huh?


My eyes opened, and saw I was surrounded by a weird barrier.


Nobody answered. Why am I even here? My brother was with me at home, how did I end up waking in an unknown place? 

I noticed that somebody put a jacket over me. This place is a bit cold I guess. 

"I see you've waken. How are you feeling?"

I turned my head, and saw Izumi Nase. And... Hiroomi was standing next to her.


Did he trick me? Gain my trust just to bring me here? No, he had so many chances to do that earlier. But what's he doing here now?

"Hiroomi is only here to watch. No need to worry. Anyways, how are you feeling?" She asked the same question again.

"I'm doing.. Okay." My limbs felt weaker than usual, and I felt like it was much harder to breathe than usual. I definitely am not okay.

"I'm glad to hear. However, I want to ask.. What is your favorite meal?"

What a weird question to ask. Let me guess, she'll let me eat my favorite meal and then kill me. Not happening today.
Hiroomi looks at me with focused eyes. He mouths something but I could only make out 'I promise...' 

"Uh, my favorite meal is mac n' cheese and strawberries."

I know, I have weird preferences.
She looks at me funny, and nods. She leaves the room, and drags Hiroomi with her. 
Time to find a way out of here. I attempt to punch the mysterious barrier, but it leaves no dent. 
I look around to see if there's any potential weak spot, but to no avail there wasn't.

"Dangit, how am I suppose to get out of here!" 

I don't want to die. As much as I hate my daily life, there are still good parts. Besides, I can't just leave my friends and family without even saying goodbye. I don't want to..
Abruptly, the barrier that surrounded me shattered. My body also started to gain it's strength back. I stood up in disbelief, smiling. Thanks, Hiroomi! I sprinted out, and recalled the necklace. I constantly checked it to see if it glowed, to be sure I wouldn't be near Izumi Nase. I'm lucky she didn't take it off me when I was unconscious. 

I spot a door that leads to the outside, and rush over to the door. I open it, and hurry home. My phone starts ringing too. Did she not take my phone off me either? Weird.. 
I take out my phone and saw that Hiroomi was calling me. I accept the call.

"Hey, where are you? You made it out, right?" Hiroomi questioned

"Yeah, I'm out. It's weird she didn't my phone off me though.." I said

"Oh yeah, about that, I gave you your phone back right after she took it away. Same with the necklace. Anyways, I'll fill you in on what happened when you were unconscious later. I'll meet you at your house!" Hiroomi hanged up.

I put my phone back in my pocket, and hurry home. I arrived, and saw my brother at the kitchen table. His eyes widened when he saw me.

"Y/N! I-" He started sobbing.

He must've felt so guilty for me being taken away.

"It's ok! I'm alright." I rubbed his back, and he hugged me.

My brother has always worried about me. Since our parents didn't come home frequently because of work, he was more like my parent than our actual parents. He must've been so worried about me when I was taken away.

"Sis.. You good? How did you get back home?" He said in between sobs.

"Again, I'm okay." I paused.

I can't tell him I got trapped in magical barriers by some woman who wants to kill me, and that a boy from my high school saved me. He'd just stare at me weirdly.

"I uh, woke up in the woods. I then found my way back here." I lied.

"I'm so glad you're okay." He said with a weak smile, and proceeds to take my hand and guide me to my room.

"Now get some rest." He says

I lay down on my bed, and after he leaves my room I take out my phone.
I text Hiroomi to just come in through the window of my bedroom, since my brother probably won't let anybody in from what just happened. He texts back sure, and I put my phone away. I decide to take a quick nap until he arrives.


I open my eyes at the sound of my window opening. 

"Morning, sleepy beauty." Hiroomi teased.

"Morning.." I yawned.

"How was your dreams, sleeping beauty?"

"Please stop calling me that."


He closes the window, and sits on my chair.

"So, can you explain to me what happened? I'm still not sure of how I ended up in your house with Izumi."

"Well, I was having a night walk with her. To hang out. And then, she spotted your brother holding you, taking you somewhere. She took that as a golden opportunity to take you. Your brother sure did put up a fight, although, he failed. And that's how you got into your little prison cell. Also, question for you, do you know where your brother was taking you?" Hiroomi said.

"Oh, right. When I got home I was really tired. I collapsed on the floor from exhaustion. I think. And my brother, being the worry guy he is, was probably trying to take me to the hospital. I don't know why, I didn't need a hospital to recover. I just needed some sleep." I explained.

"I see."

We sat there awkwardly for a few minutes.

"So.. I wanted to tell you something." Hiroomi fiddled with his fingers. I could've swore I saw a light blush on his face.

"Yeah? What's up?" I said.

"Well, I..." He paused.

"I think I love you."

A New Perspective (Hiroomi Nase x FEM Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें