Café Time

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"Bellaaa, please pick up....." I pleaded.

As the phone rang, I continued my internal crisis. Fall in love with him?! Why would he ask that of all things? I could bake him a cake.. Or just.. Anything else! I'll just have to tell him that I cannot do that, and he needs to ask for something else.

"Hey Y/N, sorry for the late response! What's up?" Bella replied

"Bella.. I have a lot to tell you. So, you remember that Hiroomi guy?" I said.

"Yeah, wait, did he do something? Did he hurt you?" Bella asked worried.

"No, he's actually helping me.. But that's the problem, I want to repay him for helping me, but..." I paused, worried how she would react.

"I asked him if he wanted anything, and uh.." I trailed off. Whenever I told her about any crush she would go out of her way to embarrass me in front of them. No, this isn't a crush. But I know for a fact she's going to make me think I have a crush on him.

"Hurry up girl, I'm hungry! Get this over with so I can eat my icecream." Bella said

"Ok ok, he asked to make him a scarf. I don't know how to, so.. I was wondering if you could help me with that?" I lied.

If I told her the truth, she'd definitely cook up a plan that I'll definitely won't like. And lying about it being a scarf is a smart move, since she's very skilled at knitting.

"Oh, just a scarf? Sure! Though, it weirds me out he wears a scarf all of the time despite it not being winter." Bella said

"Yeah, it is odd. Anyways when do you think we can work on it?" I asked.

"How about on Sunday?"

"Sounds good, see you!"


I hang up on the call, and collapsed on my bed. Man, I'm exhausted. For some reason, my phone rang again. Instead of it being Bella, it was an unknown number. Weird. I have nothing else interesting going on, I guess it's time to get hacked. I answered the call out of curiosity.

"Hello?" Somebody said on the other end.

Good start, they're not trying to sell me a car or anything.

"Hi, who is this?" I asked

"It's me, Hiroomi." WHAT

"Hold up, how the heck did you get my number?!" I asked, furious. Did he steal my phone?

"Stole your phone." Hiroomi said calmly.

Knew it.

"What do you want."

"I wanted to set up a date for tomorrow." Hiroomi said.

"I still haven't agreed to 'falling in love with you,' and I never will. Just ask me for something else. Food, or something."

"Why not a date?"

I blushed. How could he say that so calmly? Whatever, he's still a jerk.


"Ok. How about we go eat tomorrow?"

He's trying to turn it so I'd come with him, by calling it just hanging out.


"But that's not a date."

"...Fine. Just don't try anything."

Mitsuki was 100% right. He's definitely a pervert. I hung up, and finally decided to go to sleep.


"ughhhh, why is it morning already?" I groaned, and got up out of bed. I checked my phone, and noticed that Hiroomi texted me what time to be at the cafe today. I sighed, and took my morning shower.

I check the clock on my bedside, and saw that in only 1 hour I need to be at the stupid cafe. I'm making a mistake, aren't I? I head outside, and start walking. A shade caught my attention, and it started chasing me. "AAAAA, STAY AWAY!" I rushed over to the cafe, praying that Hiroomi was already there. That must be the shade that was in my room from the other day. I forgot to remind Hiroomi to get rid of it! The shade was jumping on roofs, still chasing me. I spot Hiroomi sitting at a table, and scream. "HIROOMI, HELP!" His eyes darted toward me, and spots the shade.

"Y/N, get behind me!" He motions behind him, and grabs his scarf.

He throws it to the shade, like a lasso. I get behind him, thanking him. He was too busy to reply back, but he finally got the shade down.

"Weird. Shades aren't usually aggressive. Did you try to attack it or something?" Hiroomi asked.

"No, I was just heading towards here and noticed it chasing me." I replied

Hiroomi looked confused, and sat back down motioning me to do the same.

"Here's the menu."

He handed me the menu, and I skimmed through it, deciding on lemonade and a sandwich.
The waiter walked over, and we told him our orders.

"So, how's your day been going?"



This is awkward.

He grabs my wrist suddenly, and drags me out of the cafe.

"Wait, what are you doing?" I struggled getting out of his grip.

"Your necklace, Y/N!"

I glanced at my necklace, and it was glowing bright red.

She was near.

A New Perspective (Hiroomi Nase x FEM Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant