Chapter 1: The Incident

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(??? POV)

I was running

I was running for days on end, no break to let my body rest, no food to supplement me, no water to quench my thirst, I was just running.

How did I get this far? Well we're gonna have to start from the beginning. And that is sometimes too painful to remember but I'm doing it anyways for the story...and I hope you know this ain't easy to talk about. But you must first know about how my society works.

There are the primal genders: male and female and there are 3 sub genders regarding this society,

Alphas: they tend to be aggressive towards people but not their mates, and are the strongest of the three sub genders. They are also known to be the leaders of their known packs, every 5 months they go into something called a rut, which is a time where they're sex drive/ horniness becomes more stronger and are willing to have intercourse with anybody if not mated with an omega, thus making an alpha dangerous in this timeframe, which would be about 2-4 days if they don't have intercourse with an omega. It is very painful for them to go through because they're members/Dicks are constantly hard and nothing can calm it down unless they plunge it into an omega's entrance/ass. Alphas also have something called a knot, where the base of their member would inflate inside of an omega to insure pregnancy. They also have a powerful scent to attract omegas for reproduction. They make up 25% of the total population.

Betas: they are the most common sub genders to have and are just like any other human being with a hybrid-body. They have a distinct smell to show they're beta but it's really faint since they aren't supposed to attract an alpha or an omega, but another beta of the opposite sex. They make up 70% of the total population.

Omegas: they are the weakest of the three because they're known for being housewives or breeders/mothers of the household so they don't have the muscle buildup like a beta or an alpha instead they have more of a feminine build to birth offspring, like a slim waist to make them more attractive to the alpha's eye, wide hips complemented with thick thighs, with a complementarily plump chest for breast feeding the baby. They get something called a heat where they go into a state where they're constantly horny for an alpha's knot to fill them, this cycle is painful to go through because they get intense cramps, their body feels like it's on fire and their chest aches because it's tender and will produce a little milk preparing for the body to become suitable for a baby, this happens every month until they're pregnant.They are more docile and they are the perfect opposite for an alpha to calm they're hostile behavior when around other alphas. They make up 5% of the total population.

Now the people of this world are also hybrids of all sorts of animals, now I'm a rabbit and an omega... what worse combination to have than that, now a rabbit is already docile, but being an omega makes it more apparent. And well I lived with my mother for awhile until the incident.

A month prior

(White's POV)
It was a beautiful day as I walked through the forest on my way home, I was holding a bucket of water for the well by my house to have at hand. I was enjoying the scenery even though I see it ever so often, when suddenly I felt a sharp quick pain go through my lower abdomen making me drop the bucket of water on the ground by me, quickly falling to my knees I was in a panic because they're are alphas roaming the forest looking for shelter and a mate to breed. Thinking of this made me get back up, grab the bucket and make my way home in pain. 'My heat shouldn't have started for another few days!! Why is it started now?!' I thought to myself as I made my way home. I'm less than halfway to my house and I caught the most amazing scent I've ever smelled, but knowing where it came from made me want to get home faster, because my heat could make that alpha go into a rut and possibly rape me!! 'Oh god... I need to hurry!! I can't be mated yet I'm only 16!' With that in my head I continued on my journey home.

The next thing I know I'm pinned down onto the ground with my chest on the ground and my bottom in the air, while having my hands pinned behind my back with a death grip on them, looking back I see something that made my heart jump out of my chest and make my face drain of color. There I see an alpha in his rut with lust in his eyes and need, I tried to wiggle out of his grasp to no avail. The next thing I knew, my pants were ripped off of my form and discarded somewhere on the forest floor. I closed my eyes and felt tears fall down my cheeks while feeling something touch my entrance, then something went in, it felt so big and filling but it hurt so much that I felt like I would be ripped into two. The alpha...put his...NO! HE DIDN'T THIS IS JUST A DREAM! THIS ISN'T HAPPENING! Then I felt him move in and out and it hurt so fucking much I felt like my body would give up. I felt his dick slide in and out at an alarming speed, groans and slaps could be heard along with cries of pain.

"P-please... s..stop it..hurt...s too.. *gasp* much Aah~!"

" you sure cause you're moaning like a bitch~" replied the mystery alpha, making me cry more, my body felt like it was on fire not for my heat but from the unbearable pain given to me from his dick being inside of me.... I wanted to to stop but it felt so good... maybe I like this- NO! No I don't like this! *sigh* I'll just have to wait for him to be done..

2 hours later

'He knotted me.. HE KNOTTED ME!! Oh no no no no no! This can't be happening! Oh god- and he came inside me...' welp I'm screwed. He's now holding me like I'm a body pillow, great! I try to get out of his iron grip that he has on me, but I realize his dick is still in me and his knot hasn't deflated yet, perfect! And I can't pull it out cause that would tear my entrance up.. so I gotta wait until his knot is completely deflated to get away from him... 'I wonder if mother is worried I'm not home yet' as I was thinking of different things I felt an arm snake around my waist and hold my body in a protective manner, but I finally squeezed out of his hold, grabbed my pants and the bucket, and ran.

To Be Continued...
Comment if I left anything out or I need to add anything
Word count: 1205

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