Chapter 2: The News

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(White's POV)

When I got back home the first thing I did was make my way to my room to rest my body on my comfortable bed, doing so I remember that I still have cum inside of my bottom. Knowing this, I felt dirty and tainted, so proceeding to go bathe in the lake beside my house, I grabbed my things to head over there but I was stopped by my mother.

"Where're you going baby?"She asked in a smooth voice, I stood there not knowing what to say, so I said the first thing that popped into my mind, "bathing in the lake..."

"But why? You took a bath earlier today. I'm sure you don't need one right now...unless you did something to make you dirty today..what did you do sweetie?" My mom asked in a calming tone that made it harder to say a lie.

"Uhm I was running... and I got really sweaty because there was an alpha rogue chasing after me...yeah, so I wanna bathe to get the grime off of me" I half lied to my mother who didn't look all that convinced but didn't push any further, which I was thankful for and I proceeded out towards the lake for my hopefully soothing bath to get my mind off of today's events.

A few minutes later...

As I was done bathing I dried off after getting out of the lake, then I got a feeling I was being watched, so I got my clothing on and bolted out of there and into my home. When I went in I put my things away in my room and got ready to eat lunch as it was time to and my mother was in the kitchen already finishing up the desired food. As soon as she was done setting the table and serving the food, I came in to help her with the rest of everything needed to be done for lunch.

We ate, cleaned up, and got to our chores for the rest of the day until supper. We then cleaned up and got ready for bed, as I laid down, I had this gut feeling that there was something wrong or that I missed, but I brushed it off, thinking it was something like the water from earlier or it was that I didn't do the dishes that I'll do tomorrow. Thinking that I went to sleep and was preparing myself for another non-eventful day unlike today...yeah....unlike today.

A month later...

What is wrong with me?! I keep throwing up every morning and I'm having major mood swings, I'm also eating things I would never eat, hell I'm even doing less chores because Im so exhausted all the time. Thinking I'm sick or something I decide to go to the healer of the pack not far from our little home. As I made my way to the door my mother stops me and asks where I'm going at such an early hour.. "To the pack healer, i think I'm coming down with something mother. I just wanna make sure I'm good and heathy as a tree." I replied honestly, she nodded with a smile and then let me be on my way.

As I made my way towards the pack territory, I started to get exhausted halfway, so needing to take a breather I sat on a log by the trail. After a few minutes of sitting and catching my breath again, I proceeded back on the trail.(they live on the outskirts of the pack they're apart of so it takes a hot minute to get near the pack)

Arriving at the pack territory/house(hut...thing-)

I start to make my way to the healer's room but get stopped along the way by the pack alpha, Rhexa. She's a very built woman with the traits of a very scary man (he thinks all big and intimidating men are scary...and sometimes women-) I didn't know what she wanted and like any other educated omega, I bowed my head in submission and kept my eyes trained on the ground not wanting to anger her in any way.

She chuckled and ruffled my hair in attempt to soothe my nerves, which in turn worked. When she lifted her hand away from my head I smiled and bowed once more and started back on my original objective, which was seeing the pack healer. Finally making my way there, I knock on the door to softly alarm the lady inside that someone was behind the door, in which I opened it to reveal myself to her and instead of feeling dread, I felt calmed as she approached me. She spoke with a soft and soothing voice which held much trust and tranquility, "Hello dear, what can I do for you on this fine day?"

I looked around the room and finally had some courage to speak why I was there, "yes uhm- I was wondering if I could get checked up real quick because I haven't been feeling so well for the past month and I'm starting to worry if I'm coming down with an illness or not...could you maybe figure out whether it is something fatal or if it is just a measly cold?" She chuckled, "of course I can sweetie! That's why I'm the pack healer, to determine whether you're ok or not." I smiled at her knowing she'll help me with whatever this is.

After the tests...

She left the room to go evaluate the tests we did but came back a few minutes later and handed me a stick with cotton on it, she looked at me then the stick and smiled at my confusion and spoke, "I would like to take one more test if that's alright with you dear..." I looked at her confused but nonetheless complied, she told me to pee on the cotton part of the stick and just give it back to her to look at to determine what she was thinking was right. About a half hour later she comes back in with a big grin, "Now hun I need to know your thoughts about children." I looked at her confused but answered, "i think kids are an amazing thing to happen to anybody and even though it might get rough they are the best thing that can happen to someone...why?"

Her grin turned bigger by each word, "Well, I assume you're an omega correct?" She asked excitedly, I told her yes and she wonder what it is that's getting her excited, should I be excited?

"Well I hope you are going to be fairly happy about this as I am, but you're pregnant dear." She exclaimed and I froze...pregnant...? How did that happen?! I've been a virgin since- wait...he got me... oh no no no no no no no!!! This can't be HAPPENING!!! Why?! Why me?! Ugh we'll I guess I have to take the responsibility of this child...of my child...I think I like the sound of that...yeah...but- what would mother think?! Well, might as well go home and see.. "thank you miss but I must be on my way"

"If that's so then I need you to come back for an appointment to see how the pup's doing." She explained, I nodded and got up from my spot on the bed and bowed to her, " thank you so much miss for all of your help!"

The pack healer then smiled wishing him all the best until they meet for the next time. As white started back home he bumped into Rhexa once again, again going into the submissive position (the bowing position) and again she smiled while chuckling, she then lifted his head and stood him up straight once more.

"You don't need to do that with me little one. It makes me feel old" she chuckled, while white was looking at her in astonishment.

"I'm sorry alpha Rhexa" he exclaimed a little louder than needed, while this was happening she cut him off and offered to walk him back home to which he agreed to. The walk to his home was a peaceful one while they made comfortable small talk, and finally making it to his house they went off on their own ways. When white entered his house he saw his mother in the living room sipping some herbal tea she made prior of him leaving, and upon hearing the door open, she made haste to greet the person, which was a her beloved son. Scarlet, white's mother, embraced him into a hug and asked how it went, "it went great mother! Though... i do have something to tell you and i would like to discuss this in the living room."

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