Chapter 3: Kicked Out and Saved

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White's POV:

"It went great mother! Though... i do have something to tell you and i would like to discuss this in the living room" White nimbly replied to his mother's question, to which she replied with a head nod while bringing him into the room. They sat down on the couch in silence, White's mother waiting patiently for him to talk while white is trying to figure out how to tell her he's pregnant..there was no easy way to bring this up, but he was certain that his mom would accept him regardless.

"Mom...I don't know how you're going to take this but..." he looks to the side nervously taking a deep breath, ready to speak again before he can't.

"I'm pregnant!" He exclaimed, and there was.. silence....everything was silent. He looked at his mom in curiosity, but after he looked, he wished he didn't.

Her face was contorted in a scowl laced with disgusts and rage. She was livid thinking he didnt save himself for his future mate, even though it was the total opposite.

"You're...what?" She looked him in the eyes with rage, all the while White was confused and nervous, wondering why she's reacting the way she is.

"You cannot be serious!" She yelled at him. She got up and slapped White on the cheek, Hard. She was absolutely livid, so she did what she thought was kick him out.

White was feeling too many emotions to comprehend and the stinging pain in his cheek didn't help, he became overwhelmed with sadness and confusion.

"Get out" Scarlet mumbled. White looked up not hearing her.. "W-what?" White stuttered with little confidence.

"GET OUT!" Scarlet screamed harshly at White, and with White becoming defensive to protect his child, he ran out of the house..

And this is where we left off in his little escapade.. with White feeling overwhelmed and trying to get away from everything..from... the only person who supported him and "loved" him his whole life.

White finally finds himself at a lake after hours of running and collapses onto the soft grass beside the clear lake, laying there in exhaustion and hunger. White looks towards the water and begins to sit up so he can have something to make the thirst go away, cupping his hands together to scoop up water. Finally quenching his thirst, he looks up to observe his surroundings, which was mostly forest with the lake making the clearing seem more eerie with the sun going down.

White then started to sob wondering why everything played out the way it did..why his mother kicked him out...why that alpha had to even be in the same place as white on that dreadful day..why his dad wasn't in his life...who even was his dad? He'll never know because his mother never told him, except that he was an alpha and and a hare, with beautiful crimson fur, but she didn't say anything else about him ever again.

Then his stomach began to rumble telling him to do something about it, and he was too hungry to even think, so he got up and started to scavenge for some type of edible fruit or berry. Eventually he found some raspberries, blueberries, and some edible mushrooms to deplete his hunger for the night. Taking in the sweetness from the blueberries, the tartness from the raspberries, and the earthy taste of the mushrooms.

After having his fill from the replenishing his hunger, he goes to find some sticks and leaves to make himself a shelter to sleep in for the night..

5 months later

White is now 6 months pregnant which makes it harder for him to properly move from his makeshift home out in the woods, but alas, he needed to get some more food and bathe since he hasn't in 2 days. So finally getting enough strength he hoisted himself up and left his little home to the lake he had grown accustomed to and where he takes his baths.

He strips out of his clothes and slowly goes into the cool water, not aware that someone was watching him in the distance, silently, this hybrid was wondering why an omega—a pregnant one at that—was alone in this very dangerous forest lurking within were predators just waiting to sink their claws into the omega. But this hybrid was watching him for 5 months, since the omega was staying in his calm place away from his pack.

So, the hybrid decided to show himself and force him out of his place, but then rethought about what he was about to do, since he was going to make an omega that was pregnant move to somewhere possibly more dangerous. The hybrid also thought on it more since he has become accustomed to this little beauty being in this beautiful place, and if this little omega were to disappear one day, he would search for him.

The hybrid finally snapped out of it when the omega got out of the lake grabbing his clothing still nude air drying, they hybrid looked away from the omega in respect of his privacy, accidentally stepping on a loud ass stick alerting the omega of his presence.

White heard a snap to the right of him, now becoming frightened knowing something is there. He covers himself with his clothing slowly walking towards his makeshift home trying not to make quick movements, even though he actually can't make sudden or quick movements since he's almost in his 3rd trimester.

But the hybrid wanted to meet this omega since he's been watching(stalking) him. So he comes out of the brush showing himself. His crimson hair, his strong build showing he's an alpha, his ears that were rabbit ears but missing half of one, his striking eyes that are as blue as the ocean, he was a rabbit, just like White..except White has bright red hair, both his ears, a slim build showing he's an omega(besides his baby bump) his soft baby blue eyes. He put the pieces together and looked at the hybrid in front of him, tearing up at the sight of the one person who was never in his life.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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