Ch. 18

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Blair POV:

I wake up. Like every morning. Noticed i still have the dress on and all the clothes from yesterday on. I was that exhausted. I don't get much sleep. that's one thing i noticed. my hair still looks nice, well at least it isn't styled in a updo so i'll leave that at least how it is. i start to change. Ugh Soda forgot to do my laundry. Whatever i'll take some of Pony's clothes. and just pair of my jeans then it good. Gotta go shower first.

As i make my way downstairs, everyone is doing they're usual thing and yeah i do have to go to school today. It's 6 now be by the school at 9. I dont wanna get my hair wet. Bag it up. I get in the shower.

Quick took me 10 mins. Hm, leather jacket, white tee and my jeans. Greaser look, it is. Put on the white tee tuck in my jeans, jacket on. Chucks. okay thank god i washed that makeup on, i looked crazy after sleeping in it.

"Hey i need to get inside. Wash my teeth. I get your a girl but cmon Bug. Hurry up." Pony said knocking on the bathroom door.

"It's open, Im just tying my shoes." I said to him as he opens the door.

I walk out the bathroom, then i bumped into darry.

"What now." I say to him, trying to hurry..

"You have a couple hour until you have to get to school. Now that you slept and got your energy. Explain to me where we're you yesterday." Darrel said furrowing his eyebrows at me.

"i went to the other side of town and met a girl. that's all." I said kinda nervous because i am not supposed to be there at all.

"I don't get it. Are you crazy Blair? Socs, you're messing with socs now. did anyone else see you other then her?Hm!" Darry said visibly angry with me.

"No Darry! No one else saw me." I say shouting at him.

"You we're dolled up like one yesterday. One day your a soc, One day you look like a full on greaser girl." Darry said laughing sarcastically.

"She helped me so no other soc would notice." I said crossing my arms.

"I bet. I bet you're going out with a soc. Would make sense. Why you had that jacket on? You're lying to me kid. I know you are." Darry said shaking his head.

"I'm not the liar. You are! You're the liar. All you do is consistently hurt me. Family doesn't lie. But you, YOU DID!!! All the time. I'm not out with no boy at all. And i already love someone but no you have push them away for my protection. I'm done with that protection shit. Done." I shout. "You're hurting me. you're hurting me. just stop please." I say crying at this point.

Darry looks at me with shooken eyes and his body language looks frozen.

Soda comes up to me and saids, "Enough Darrel. You're hurting our kid sister. she is our sister but before that title she's human. she has emotions. you're overwhelming her."

Darrel just left the household.

Dallas walks in and saids "What's going on here?"

It's about that time for us to go to school. I pick up my bookbag and glance at Dallas. How badly i want to hug him and just see his face upclose again.

"Hey Dally. Take Blair to school for me." Soda said while helping me get my stuff together for school.

"You know what is Dallas. Another rough morning at the Curtis household." Steve saids while glancing at me.

Johnny walks out and So does pony behind us.

"Hey Johnny, you're parents put you back in school?" I say looking Johnny.

"Yep. Don't even wanna get into how that went." Johnny says widening his eyes.

"That's good.." I smile at him and then look back at dally.

"Take other way to school. I need to talk to Blair." Dallas said looking at Pony and Johnny.

"What if we get rolled up on?" Pony saids looking nervous.

"Relax. Go!" Dallas said shouting at them.

I inhale. I exhale.

He lights a cigarette. "Mmm Blair. You've been a pain in the ass lately." Dallas saids grinning at me, putting his arm around me.

"I'll admit it, i have. let my emotions get the best of me. Wont happen again tho." I say nervously, looking forward, avoiding eye contact.

"The most feelings i've seen come outta you since i met ya kid." He said while smoking. "But listen, that's the last time i do anything that Darrel tells me. I don't mean to hurt your feelings at all." Dally saids while turning me around and looking into my eyes with so much intensity.

"Uh- uh Okay." I stammer and grin a little at him.

we got to the school and as i turn around, he grabs my wrist and tells me, "I'll be here after school.".

"Okay. thank you for walking me. Bye!" I say to him, smiling and waving.

I walk in and never noticed the people who went to my school. It was lunch time by now. Socs and Greasers all go together. I noticed Jackie Brother went here. Hm talking to greaser girls. Weird. I'm just glancing at him and analyzing him since have nothing other to do.

And there he goes to talk to the soc girls.
Yikes he is flirt.

"Look what they have for lunch today! Sweet patato mash." Johnny saids scaring then proceeding to walk away.

As i look back up there he was, Bob. Oh no.

"Hey you are Blair right. My sisters friend. You're a greaser?" He saids surprised.

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