Ch. 1

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Blairanova POV-
I wake up to Ponyboy shaking me.

"Uh, hello. Get ready for school." he said looking at me since I was finally awake.

"Fine. I'm up." I yelled across the hall.

I go downstairs to use the bathroom but find a bunch boys.

This is how every morning is in the Curtis house.
Oh yeah how rude of me, let me take you back to the day my parents died.
My parents always took business trips and since I'm a "girl" and technically the youngest so I would have to go with them. My brothers are always so needy when I leave.
"Hey, are you going to miss me bug?" Darry said while giving me a tight hug.

"Dar it's just for a week!" I say trying to pull away from his hug.

Darry finally lets go of me than I kiss him in the head. I started to walk to the door with my beat up duffel bag. Suddenly, Sodapop blocked the door.
"Where's my kiss ?" he said while bending down and pointing to his cheek.

"You ate all the chocolate cake so no." I tried to push him out of the way.

"You're not leaving if you don't give me kiss." he said while picking me up.

I kiss him in the cheek.

"Soda put me down now." I narrowed my eyes at him.
He smiled and put me down. I saw Pony run towards me and hug me.

"Have a good trip kid sis." he said while hugging me.

"I'll try." I smiled and hugged him back.

"Tell the gang I'll miss them." I told all of them while walking to the car.

"Yes, we'll tell Dally." said Sodapop and they all started laughing.

"Lets go love bug." Daddy said while pushing me into the car and shutting the door.

My parents were in the car. We started to drive. Train. Trains is what changed my life. We started to cross the train tracks than suddenly everything blacked out. The last thing I remembered was lights from the side.
I woke up and they're was only one half of the car left. I held my blanket up to my chest because I didn't see my parents. I was scared. I got up and started to walk away. I didn't know where I was going.
I sat on a bench because my body ached and just started crying. I was so confused.

Darry's POV-
I was so sad when Blair left. It's been almost 45 minutes and the gang was over playing cards than we gotta a call.
"Hey Pony get that." I said to Pony since I was making dinner for the boys.
"Fine." Pony said, and went to pick up the phone.
"Hello," Pony said while leaning on the wall holding the phone up to his ear.
He said nothing else. He stood their in silence with a blank face. He hung up.
"What with that funny face?" Soda asked.

Ponyboy who dropped the phone and was still leaning on the wall slowly sliding his body down to kneeling on the ground.
With no emotion Pony said, "Mom and Dad died. They got ran over by a train."

Pony just fell to ground and started crying.

Dally got up and said, "Hey what about Blairanova!"

I started to freak out and Soda started cry.
I ran out without hesitation. I heard the gang behind me following me. I went to the place my parents crashed. I looked under debris and looked everywhere. Soda went to go talk to the cops the place surrounded with yellow tape and I went looking for Blair. The cops told soda to go look for our sister and they'll look on the other side of town.

Blairanova POV-
I stood up and screamed, "Darry! Soda! Pony! Anyone!"
I went back down and started to ball my eyes out even more. I heard footsteps running towards me.

"Blairanova!" Soda yelled running in full speed.
He picked me up. I cried more and more. It was like a non-stop waterfall of tears. He put me down and than I saw Darry.
"Darry!" I said running to him and hugging him.
"Hey it's okay." Darry tried to reassure me.
"No, no it isn't." I told him.
"Our parents died, Darry."
Darry let go of me and I hugged Ponyboy. We both just started crying. Than I saw the whole gang except Dally hug me.
"Blair, I'm so sorry." Steve said while patting my head.
"I'm gonna miss Mr & Mrs Curtis." Johnny said while hugging me.

I lost it as soon as Johnny said that. We all just sat on the bench some of us crying. I was so exhausted so I slept on Soda's lap.
I woke up, I was at home in my bed. Yes, I had scratches but I was fine.

Anyways, that's what happened the day my parents died which was 1 year and eight months ago. So, now Darry wants to the parent role. The rules are go to school, not allowed to go anywhere if none of the gang is with me, can't go to rumbles, I have to keep my grades pristine high and the list goes on and on. Those rules were made by Darry. Some of them Pony has to follow but some he doesn't. He's always so nice to Soda, rarely Pony but me he's always on top of me. A 95 not good enough for Darry. 7:30 is my curfew, come one minute late, you have to have a good explanation. Since I'm Ponyboy's twin you would expect me to look like him but no, I look exactly like my mother. My mom was known for her beautiful jet black hair, green eyes, and porcelain skin. I had her cheekbones. My mom used to be one of the most natural beautiful looking greaser out there. Even Socs wanted to be with her. She was chased like a squirrel. Dogs chasing her everywhere. Until, a fine gentlemen finally caught the squirrel but it wasn't a dog it was another squirrel. My mom fell for his charms, his humor, how he always uplifted everyone's day and overall his great personality. That was my father. Oh, how I miss them. It was like they were made for each other. My dad left the gang to Darry's hands, he hasn't messed up yet. Okay, imagine being the only girl in the house full of boys. As soon as the clock hits 6 am, the whole gang is over...

Darry came to wake me up and all the boys that came to the house followed him like ducks.

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