the simple r part four

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Continued .....
On The Simple R .
"Hey ... Jot foah ?"  Aga asked , looking at Jot .

"What *BURRPPPP* The fuckity fuck fuck do *BURP* you want . 🤢"
He asked . Grumbling like the old grumpy man he is . Burpin up a storm .

"Ugh- Jesus- how exactly did you get here ..? you know ... to shitpants isle ?? I mean ... its pretty far from the west , and i heard that where most  drunkens come from ... "
Aga explained , he wanted to know ... e v e r y t h i n g

AVA stop being weird .

RIGHT !!! sorry , boss . *AHEM*

He wanted to know EVERYTHING ! ... 😊

"Wellllll *BURP* UGH

I came from the backrooms actually . Ive been to almost every level . That what i *BURP* do for a *HIC*
FU—— *BURP* CK !!!! for a living 😊 ."
Jot replied , his smelly breath reeked .

Aggy and aga waved the air .

"Ew-" Aggy simply said due to the nasty smells of this wretched man .

"But- wait ... shitpants isle isnt a backrooms level ... *looks at aggy* is it ? *looks back at Jot Foah* 🤨 "
Aga scrathed his head and ate another dorito as the R rumbled .

"Ahhh yes , i know . i- *BURPPPPP* know . 🫤 but ... i was lookin for ma R !!! the R is known as ... "The Simple *BURP* R ." And is from a backrooms level . Ive been lookin *HIC* AGGHH for the R every where . I need to return it back to its *BURP BURP BURPPPPP* Backroom level FUCK !!!! god i need some burping prevention pills ." Jot foah explained and arched his back.

"JEsus man . Okay .. so why does it rumble so much though ...? *farts* sorry i had to let it rip ." Aga asked with a toot .

"Its fine i dont give a single salamander .

It rumbles be- *BURP* ..... CAUSE . its an R . RRRRRumble . Get *HIC AGH AGHHH OGghh* It ? 🤨 😊 " He smiled grossly .

"I *moans* 😵‍💫 guess- eewwww . POOO WEEEE you stink bro ... like really ... really bad ." aga replied

"thank you so *BUUUrrOOohJjOooppppp* Much ." the crusty burping man replied .

"I dont think that was a compliment ..." Layoreo the oreo gaggled .

"Shut the fuck up you disgusting raggedy edged gross ass smelly ass ugly ass fat ass bitch ass OREO ." Jot raged , he didnt burp tho so - i gue- *BURPPPPPO*

never miiiind ...


"THIS IS WHY I DIVORCED YOU , disgusting beef jerky , shit smelling , ass liking mf ...." The oreo growled ...


"GRrrRUUumMnle BumbLe RrRrRrRrrR" The R rumbles .

"Shut up bitch ." said jot .

he burped and stepped on the R . "K enough dilly dally lets getcha to the *BURP BURP HUUUURJRO* go md DAMN .

lets getcha - *BURP* GODDDDD . TOO * AGHH UGHHH* THE UGHHHH AGH backrooms 😀 👍 k ? K . or should i say- *BURP* R ." Jot picked up the now , really uhhh uhhhh ... weird lookin R . and vanished .......

to be concerned (yeah not continued .)

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