Soulmates are killers

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I remember the day I met him. I was flying with my friends. I had many of them and they were all from different tribes. There was Mercury, my best SkyWing friend, Blazer my IceWing friend, those two always competed over everything and I loved that about them. Ember was another friend but she was a general so she refused to call me her friend, but I knew what was up, there was her mate as well, a defective SeaWing named Umi, she had way too much webbing which made it a little bit more difficult for her to swim, her bioluminescent scales were all flimsy as if someone just smacked paint on her, her tail was long and way too thin, she just looked extra feminine for her looks. Ember loved her and she was shy but nice so I didn't mind being around her. Then there was the cute couple, Mint and Atlantic, they were both IceWing and SeaWing hybrids but Mint showed less of it, Atlantic has spikes and thorns all over his body showing his IceWing side while Mint was just pale. Bass and Alligator were my two MudWing friends, my three favorite SandWings before I met him, SharpTail, who was a hybrid with a HiveWing, BloodSplatter and Bandit. Orgullo, my favorite RainWing in the world, she always had rainbow colors on her. Silvernight was an albino NightWing I always talked to, we were close but we kept some things to ourselves, we didn't mind. My other friends from Pantala were Fuzzy, a HiveWing, I suspected she was half SilkWing since she had antennas but she just told me that was normal. Forest, a LeafWing who was a well known killer on Pyrrhia, she apparently lived here since she was one. But enough of my friends, this story is about me.
I was hanging around with them at a beach. We weren't planning on doing anything because it was just supposed to be a relaxing day, it wasn't until I heard a loud break behind us. I stood up and told my friends I would be back.
"I'll be right back, make sure no one dies." I told whoever was awake, which at this time was Ember, Umi, and Orgullo. I left into the small forest behind us and looked around. After not seeing anything I turned around, then I could sense eyes on me, before I could react there was a knife that almost cut my nose but instead got stuck in the tree beside me. I quickly turned around and saw him.
"Flamice of the IceWings and SkyWings. My target." His slithering voice spoke to me. It wasn't until he pulled himself into the light. I saw him. He was pale yellow, his frill was dark, close to a grey like black, he was full of scars, there was a long one on his chest, his shoulder scar lead from the top of his shoulder down to his talon, his eyes were black but he had a mix of orange and brown pupils, his stinger was extra huge, about the size of my heart at the time, he was huge and strong looking. I was attracted to it.
I gulped as I stared at him. "Wh-Who are you?" I asked him. I saw him pick up another knife, a bigger one this time.
"My name is Snake. Your killer. I enchant this knife to not stop moving until it stabs your heart." He spoke.
I felt myself blush as the knife began to float, I realized he was an animus like me, I really liked that. Then I realized what he didn't know. While I was with the goddess when I was a dragonet, Meltingflame enchanted me to never be able to die, well not exactly. I will be able to die but I come back, it's complicated and doesn't sound like anything Animus magic could do but I never understood or heard his spell. I just flew away and yelled at my friends.
"Guys! Run! Assassin alert! Assassin alert! Go tell Meltingflame! Go tell my parents!" I yelled at them, demanding. I saw half of them fly off, the rest stayed to try and help me, idiots. The three SeaWings went into the water, they jumped at Snake and tried to pull him under. Snake grabbed Mint and hit her against Umi until the both fell into the water, Atlantic stopped attacking to make sure they were alright. Silvernight jumped on his back and just biting, scratch, then repeat. It didn't work long since Snake's massive tail whacked his head and caused him to fall into the water. Orgullo tried to spray Snake with her venom but her aim was so bad she kept missing and eventually got out of breath. The rest of my friends went off to tell everyone in the sky Kingdom.
"Some protective bodyguards and servants you have here!" Snake teased me as he tried to catch up. Being the SkyWing I was I was faster then him but he seemed to have more stamina as I began to get tired and started huffing tiredly.
"They aren't my servants, they're my friends, I don't have bodyguards, and here's the reason why!" I yelled at him. I tucked myself into a ball and fell back. My entire body hit his head and he lost his coordination. This gave me time to fly away. I looked at him, I cracked his perfectly curved horns. I saw him stare at me stunned as a blush came across his face. I did want to stick around for a little longer but I decided against it. He hurt my friends so I needed to lose him first. I angled my wings and flew up into the clouds. My scales began to shiver as they turned crystal white. I looked more like an IceWing now. It was a weird ability I had whenever I got cold. My scales would swap from being red with white and blue scales to become white with red and black scales. It helped with camouflage but only I knew why I had it. I sticked to the clouds until I saw Snake had finally disappeared. I made sure from a distance my friends were alright. Since I didn't know when I would see him again..

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