A deadly date

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I was on my own. I didn't want my friends to get hurt if Snake came by again. If he would even at all. I was sitting alone in the same forest I saw him in. I didn't know why I decided to hang around there, I just felt the need to.
"You broke my curvy horn Flamice." I heard a voice from behind me. It made me jump and I spun around, there he was, sitting there with his perfect scars all over his body. "I like that strength inside a female." He said.
That made me blush very hard, I felt that dark blue blush crawl all over my face. "Well you got to learn how to survive on your own if your a prized assassin." I told him, I stared at him. He had muscles and scars. I don't know why I really liked that about him.
"Yeah, I can see you brought a strong game, I've prepared more, so how about a round two?" He said as he picked up three knives from what looked like a leathery bag.
I felt my heart begin to beat harder as a smile spread across my face. I gave him a nod. "Try your best." I told him.
He threw all three at me at once. Not was I was expecting but I quickly enchanted.
"Tree! Protect me! Bend your body and smack the knives away!" I commanded and watched the tree bend itself and smack all three knives away from me.
"An Animus? Well well well, you should've told me when we first met." He flirted as his tongue flicked in and out.
"There's a difference between wanting to survive and dating to tell everything." I teased him.
"Oh a date? I didn't know a cute little princess would be interested in me, a lowly assassin like that." He flirted as he pulled out a spear. "You might want to run." He grinned.
I lightly giggled as I beat my wings and took to the air. I flapped very hard and I heard another pair of wingbeats beside me. I saw the spear being thrown and averted my wings to avoid it. The spear landed into the water. I laughed.
"Miss me miss me!" I teased him.
"Oh I'll give you a kiss later." He flirted. I felt myself blush hard. I had no idea he knew the rest of that taunt. "But for now, spear! Stab her wing!" He shouted.
I panicked for a second because I couldn't see the spear, nor the sound of moving water.
"Wrong direction princess." He said from behind. I felt heat in my wing before a horrible pain set in. He had a second spear and I didn't know it. I screamed from pain and averted my wings to a near by forest to try and run from him on foot. I was too late to see the smoke. "Wait!" He called. I didn't listen.
I flew over the forest and felt my lungs being filled with smoke. I began to cough as smoke clouded my vision and I wasn't able to see anymore. The pain was a lot. The smoke was even more. I crashed onto the hard rocks and whimpered as my vision began to go black. "Rocks.. Hit Snake, keep him away.. Try to kill him.." I said in my final breaths before I wasn't able to talk anymore.
"Ow ow ow! Sons of the three moons! I enchant you all to stop!" I heard him shout. I wasn't able to see, only feel and hear. I heard him land beside me, I thought for sure I was going to die. Until he said those unexpected words. "Don't worry, I'll get you out of here. My wings are too damaged from those rocks, but I'll be damned if I'm going to let fire kill us." I felt his talon touched mine before his wing slid under my back. He threw me into his back, or at least I assumed, I could feel his tough frill pressing against my belly. With a final roar from him I felt everything get bumpy. He was running and I knew it. I couldn't do anything. I thought we were going to die.
After a while of bumpiness I felt us tumble and fall. I felt the cool wet sand under me but I was still too weak to move.
"Flamice! Mom! Dad! Over here!" I heard my brother scream. I knew I was closer to home. I slowly opened my eyes, it was the wrong time, as soon as Meltingflame landed he kicked sand into my eyes.
"Blazing moons Meltingflame!" I cursed as I got up and rubbed my eyes.
"Are you alright?" I heard Snake ask me. I whimpered but nodded.
"You're not going anywhere sand-eater!" Meltingflame said. I opened my eyes and saw he was cornering Snake.
"Meltingflame leave him alone! He saved my-" I was trying to speak before I was cut off by my father.
"My princess!" He landed and hugged me. He held me close to himself.
"What were you thinking?! Flying away with an.. Assassin assigned to kill you!" My mother landed and immediately scolded me before glaring at Snake. "He'll be tried for execution."
"B-But I-!" Snake tried saying before my brother cut him off.
"Just let me kill him now!" He shouted.
"Wait!" I shouted and pulled away from my father. "Hold on! He saved my life! That smoke would've just left me there rotting but he helped me! Despite him getting injured he risked his life to help me! He didn't even hurt me!" I said. Then realized I lied when my brother pointed at the spear injury in my wing. "Okay well that will be explained later. But no execution! He saved my life!"
My mother continued her cold glare at him then looked at my father. My father sighed.
"Okay. No execution. But both of you are coming to the Sky Kingdom. The healers will look at both of your injuries." My father said before carefully picking me up.
"Thank you father.." I told him as I saw my mother and Meltingflame work together to pick Snake up.

A deathly love (My OCs)Where stories live. Discover now