Jesus you are fucking perfect to me

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Chapter 47. things are going to get hotter, today is the first day of summer. we can go out in the beach, and making out cuz we all alone.  Jesus pin me down in the floor carefully, and kiss me, and I kissed him back it was just us alone Jesus is not the summer without you. We have fun swimming, to get off and splashing the sun was heavy and hot but the hottest thing is our attempt,
Of him what a wonderful days to being gay
We don't need no sunscreen, we both get tan in the Sun by cuz we're light Brown. I'm so hungry a restaurant the name of the place was called let's eat!  Union of briarwood, Music Park french fries fish and chips cherry Pepsi and cotton candy they play some Music and they play my favorite song, from Fall out boy save Rock and roll. the park this is a gay paly in the Park strangers are gay and lesbian being gay in the homosexual pride month of June play music and free love love is love it doesn't matter if you're gay or straight we're both gay and we're happy to each other having fun at the beach music park at Union I could just be more like myself when does tent a gay people around the park but we're not doing crazy stuff for just laying down sitting down just a kiss Jesus is the better looking guy gay around here I was gay before the summer I was gay
before her time maybe I was born gay cuz I just feel like I'm

attracted to men.  All I ever wanted is him my Jesus my gay boyfriend let's get some chocolate ice cream
chocolate chip so I spend time with him all time and my best friend Easter she was at the rainbow price at the gate pie with her girlfriend Sarah about Easter and Judas is here are the gay people I know all  it's you the two are the gay guys name Judas and zed he's been telling me that he's been sleeping with other gay guys glad that's not me I'm not I don't want him I want Jesus Jesus is the true love he's not using me for money or just tell him gay sex he's in love with me and I'm in love with him too Judas is a gay slut all he wants to think about is having just gay sex with me but I don't want him anymore he have zed
I know that we've been fucked before Judas but that was only one like in I don't want you I want Jesus you'll never
be like him can we please cancel this push it but having gay sex with you again night night I'm not interested in you anymore Judas I mean how much data he was crying a little and he doesn't want judas first complained about not having gay sex with me but he wants me but I don't want them and he made a big fit about it  going back to hurt my Jesus I wish I can get out of his my life to him Judas get arrested and my way Judas that he owns me. I still love you but I hate you Judas he takes it that funny Judas was teasing me making out with zed his gay boyfriend I would love to suck your dick but now did it suck my dick he I don't want to start a fight with him but he has no choice get out of my way just stay up out of my life Judas I don't want him anymore Judas is not in great trouble I don't want to see Judas anymore Jesus I want you your's always in my mind I would never tell that he will kiss me soon 
I want you soon between the Moon please don't forget me I'm always in your mic you kiss your touch I want to suck him dick this sucks if we want I want to start his sweet sexy body he has long short brown hair  beer and Brown  tenderness light skin we were born gay if we can't help myself kissing to him suit up
I was born to be gay but I love it still keeping an eyes on him wake me up but I'm not in the coma wake me up in a kiss it's time in tongues that was so fucking perfect
We can make a legacy of a lot of a Gay Jesus is so fucking hot pretty pretty pretty please don't you ever feel like you're not being fucking perfect to me you're too fucking perfect Jesus your love is fucking perfect can you put everything is fucking perfect because you are fucking perfect Jesus and Me  takes pictures to to each other kissing and Jesus shows his big muscles taking pictures of Snapchat and Facebook he's just takes pictures of his sweet ass and muscles in hits six pack and it's sweet sexy pics in gay pictures with me  jesus my gay boyfriend is so fucking perfect and our pictures and videos we got a lot of likes 200000 likes on pictures of Me and Jesus kissing me you are so wonderful for me to Jesus all the love with you Jesus you are fucking perfect to me my life has been called sometimes it's like it's been a long hard time years  without him before, but I never stress my feelings before since you find me and that's him Jesus I love everything about him, he's so fucking perfect to me.

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