love you to even more jesus

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chapter 8
Sovereign Lord, bring peace to my mind and my heart as I feel angry at the situation I am in. ... When you are with me I can trust you to fight my battles, I do not need to allow anger to take control. Give me your peace Father, may it rule over my life. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord, Amen what makes me happy to sing about Jesus Take the Wheel. My favorite song in the whole tire world I would ever find a gay boyfriend who looks like Jesus Sometimes you might find yourself in a situation that is so difficult it causes you to question your ability to deal with it properly. All the while, you're feeling like there is no way out. Especially when the world seems to be so topsy turvy these days, it's easy to feel overwhelmed and even overcome with emotions of despair. But in these moments of hardship, your faith will guide you in the right direction, and these prayers for strength are just the thing to put you on the path to happiness again. Give me the power I beg you forgive forgiveness forgive me I have sin I have gathered you in my life I love you all this time and you still love with me.
the name of Jesus Amen I just want to be happy in my whole entire life I can't live without God I need him I would love to go to the white and Briarwood Park holding hands and kissing with my Gay boyfriend one of these days I will meet the special person in my life one of these days I'm just to prove that I'm in love with you Jesus going to church on Sunday god always listen to me help me to find the love of my life and find me a gay boyfriend soon and a perfect time
Lord, help restore my faith in You and Your word. Condition my heart to accept my current situation, so that when I do meet someone, my heart is ready to receive them completely and fully. Lord, in Your gracious mercy. Amen. Want to find the hot gay guy who looks like Jesus I will find love one of these days hopefully find the right gay man for me need to move out of my college dorm room and live with my gay boyfriend God help me to find the right person

Dear God,

My heart is tired of waiting for the right person to come knocking at my door. I have opened the door to men that only caused destruction inside the walls of my heart. And when they walked out of my life, they took a piece of my heart that I will never get back.Yes, I am tired but I am still hopeful. I know that I will eventually find a gay man that will see my heart as his home, but I am not going to search for him anymore because God, I trust you to bring the right person to me at the right time.I've been praying for this person for years, and now I know the reason why you haven't answered my prayer is because you are working on finding me the right person. I have faith that you will bring me someone far better than what I prayed for. The choices that I have made when it comes to men were not the right ones, but now I choose to trust you, and to guide me towards my person. I've been single at 23 years, now I'm going to be 24.
it's going to be my my birthday and I'm graduating from college all my I have good grades! but I didnt find gay boyfriend.

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