A Little Bit Misleading (Tech x Reader)

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Requested by Alyx_Barnes71! Thank you for the request!

It's been a hot minute since I've last written for him, but I'm back and hopefully as good as ever! Also, with this oneshot, it's gonna be a bit long but I tried going for an approach that has a bit more set up than some of my previous oneshots had... I hope it's not too slow, but I felt like some reader set up would be helpful for this one. Let me know if you like or even prefer it. Enjoy!


Clones fascinated you to no end.

In fact, they were the very reason you were here on Kamino. Your immense interest in them landed you in a job to learn more about them. Once the Republic had learned of Kamino, they had hired you to scope out the scene. The Kaminoans were a fairly mysterious race after all, and their creations even more so. 

Of course you had agreed, surprisingly alright with the idea that it may be a long time until you would see your family again or even simply leave Kamino. You were simply that invested with learning new things... and it helped that your family was never the most pleasant bunch to begin with, too.

It had taken some time to adjust to life on Kamino. Everything was very quickly monotonous; the Kaminoans weren't exactly full of life or spunk, but at least the clone troopers made up for it. In fact, if it hadn't been for their array of personalities, you weren't sure you could have stuck around as long as you had.

The most unique of the clones made up for a little squad called Clone Force 99- or more adorably nicknamed 'The Bad Batch'. As soon as you had gotten the chance to meet them, you fell instantly in love with them.

Of course, by 'fell in love' you meant in a professionally intrigued sense, and not in a romantic manner... though you had found yourself becoming quite attracted to a particular member of the batch. Even now, you couldn't get the thought of him in particular out of your head. Which made the time when the Bad Batch were off on missions feel especially lonesome, despite the fact that you could never really be alone with so many clones all around you.

However, just recently, the simple but wonderful life you had grown fairly accustomed to was suddenly stamped out when the Republic abruptly became the Empire. You had been there to watch as Palpatine made his announcement, and how an uproar of cheers rose up over the crowd of clones. You had just found yourself numb to it all. It was wonderful news that the war was now over... but why did you feel a sense of dread? Perhaps it was at the spiralling questions of what would happen to all the lovely clones you had gotten to know so well.

What use would the Empire have of soldiers now that there was no more war?

The thought made you feel sick, which was only reinforced when you overheard an Imperial officer speaking to one of the Kaminoans about dropping their partnership. And then the way your stomach dropped when you and the Imperial officer locked eyes from across the corridor.

"You were the one placed in charge of clone research during the time of the Republic," the Imperial officer spoke as he strolled up to you. You found yourself hating the way he looked down on you. "Is that correct?"

Despite your immediately dislike of the man, you straightened and politely responded, "Yes sir. That's me."

The man stiffly nodded. Then, he turned on his heel. "Consider your services no longer needed." He began to walk away.

You felt like everything around you was a glass pane that had just gotten a hammer taken to it. "You're... firing me?" you managed, still reeling at the sheer abruptness and casuality of the subject.

The officer stopped. "Yes," was all he said, then he continued walking away again while you gaped at him.

"B-But... Sir, pardon me for this but..." You jogged up to the officer's side, falling into step next to him. "I have no ship. I was dropped off here, there's no way I can get back home. I-"

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