Chapter 7

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Today was Tommy's first day of pre-school, how the years go by. Just yesterday Tommy met Ranboo but that was actually 2 years ago. The boy was a thriving 5 year old but Tommy is different than the other kids. Academically different, he knows how to read, write and solve math problems. Hell this boy could speak English, Spanish, Traditional Chinese and all the languages of the nether, he even learned enchantments from Ranboo. He's way more advance than a little baby pre-schooler, as he likes to say.

"Do I have to go to pre-school? Can't I go straight to elementary?" The boy complained. Quackity shook his head, "No and our decision is final, if you're bored entertain yourself," the older spoke causing Tommy to sigh. Quackity helped tie the ribbon to Tommy's yukata before standing up. "All finished," the older said with a slight grunt. Tommy looked up at his mother and Quackity found him adorable. "Aww look at you~" he cooed picking the boy up in his arms. Tommy was still a bit sour from their earlier encounter.

The younger boy is still small, he looks like a baby. He isn't a normal size or height as a regular toddler. Sapnap's answer? "Tommy is growing at a pace that female netherians do. He will be fine, he will just grow slower." End quote. Quackity doesn't believe it for a second, maybe there is something wrong with Tommy. He's asked the younger multiple times but Tommy keeps repeating the same things, "I'm fine, so stop asking! Your words are making me shorter!" Karl laughed at the last part, he wasn't expecting that in a serious moment. He apologized and walked out the room before laughing himself silly.

Quackity looked at Tommy's long black hair, the tips of it was brown from the decoloring of the sun. His hair was long, to his lower back long. "Are you sure you don't want a trim?" Quackity asked taking the boy out of his room. "Positive," he replied back without hesitation. Quackity sighed, "Sorry if it seems homophobic but you're a bit girly," Quackity spoke to Tommy. "That is the point," the younger clarified. "Really? Do you not like being a boy?" Quackity asked walking down the stairs. "I do, I just prefer feminine clothes and I'd much prefer feminine features," he spoke. This is not the vocabulary of a five year old, is all Quackity could think.

"Well whatever makes you happy Toms, just don't burn shit down," Quackity spoke with a slight laugh. Tommy softly smiled, "Would Papa and Daddy let me wear what I want?" Tommy asked tilting his head to the side slight. Tommy always craved the approval of his father's especially Sapnap. "Of course they would Tommy, why wouldn't they?" Quackity asked walking towards the living room. "I don't want them to think any less of me..." Tommy spoke with a hint of sadness. That's what his late father did, he didn't like Tommy's choice of clothing but his mother did.

"Dress the boy, how a boy should dress! If I see even a bow on his head, I'll punish all of you!" The older man yelled at the maids. They all bowed, "Yes my lord," they spoke with fear in their voices. The man left the room, leaving Tommy and the maids. Tommy didn't quite understand what was going on but he remembers it like the back of his hand. One of his maids sighed before walking over to Tommy's closet. The other two quickly made their way to Tommy. The maid that was at the closet came back with a shorts and a white button up.

Tommy looked at the pair of clothes with disdain. He wanted to wear a dress, "I'm sorry my prince but your father says we have to dress you in this attire," the maid explained, which didn't make Tommy any easier. Tommy burst out crying, he was having a hissy fit. "Prince..." One of the maids spoke with a hint of sadness. They sighed before dressing the fussy boy. Tommy has had a slight distain for his father ever since. At least his mother allowed him to have flowers in his hair or skirts or dresses. It's just the damn old man who had problems.

"Thomas, tierra a Thomas, (Tommy, earth to Tommy) " Quackity spoke resting the boy down on a seat in the kitchen. Tommy blinked before looking up at his mother, "¿Sí mamá?" The younger asked looking up at the man. "You seem out of it, are you alright?" Quackity asked starting up on breakfast. Tommy stayed quiet and shrugged, even though he knew Quackity couldn't see him. Quackity let out a hum before fluttering his wings. "You can always talk to me mijo, but I'm not going to pressure you," Quackity spoke heating up some French toast.

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