¹Little Secrets

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Luz's POV

I sit up and check my phone 2:42am I sigh and mumble
to myself "of course another nightmare" I grab my
little box and put my paci in my mouth and lay back down, I wish I could tell amity about my little side but I don't wanna lose her I put my paci away and hide my little box and go back to sleep since I have school

Time skip (morning)

I get up and grab my back pack I make sure I have everything I need before heading downstairs to get some breakfast before school as I sit down to start eating eda walks in and ruffles my hair "Morning kiddo, woah- you don't look so good, are you sure you can go to school today?" I rub my eyes before responding "yeah I just couldn't sleep last night I'll be fine" eda nods before putting some cooked Griffin eggs on my plate as I eat I double check my homework after I'm done eating I put my homework in my back pack and me and eda head to school, once I get to school I meet up with willow gus and my girlfriend amity honestly I wish she could be my caregiver too she would make an amazing mommy but I don't even know if she would accept me as a little and I don't wanna ruin what I have with her
"Luz?LUZ!!" I look back at my friends and amity " huh? What's up? " amity grabs my hand and looks at me "I was asking you if your ok you don't look very good" I noded fast and smile "yeah totally Im fine i just didn't get much sleep last night" my friends shrug seeming to believe me and they keep walking but amity looks at me with worried eyes I miss her cheek and we both blush before I finally say something "We should probably get to class principal bump will have my head if I'm late again " amity still looks a bit worried but she doesn't say anything so I hope she's gonna let it go

After class during lunch

I sit down next to amity with my lunch but before I can start eating I zone out I know I'm starting to slip but I can't, not right now I put my head in my hands and rub my eyes I jump when I suddenly feel amitys arm around me she gently runs my back "hey sweet potato? Are you sure your ok?" I nod fast not trusting my words to not slip up , amity sighs and just pulls me closer I reach under the table and pull my small stuffie king gave me out of my bag and hold it hidden out of no were I feel someone yank it out of my hands I look up and see busha standing there laughing holding my stuffie up I whine quietly and look around too embarrassed to say anything I get up and run to the bathroom

Word count:509

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