(6)Thunder And Comforts

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A/n:there's gonna be Spanish nicknames in this chapter I'll put translations at the end of the chapter<3

Small Time Skip

Willow and I are still in call in our crystal balls but right now she's doing a spell to protect her from the boiling rain so while I wait I get hootella out and play with her for awhile after some time I hear willow say my name so I look over and she smiles at me "can you let me in hunny?" I smile big and nod I throw my pack and hootella down on my bed and jump up and run downstairs to open the door the second I open the door willow scoops me up and sets me on her hip I giggle and wrap my arms and legs around her which isn't the easiest thing since I'm taller then her but i works for me willow boops me before taking me back to my room she shuts off both of our crystal balls and sets me down on my bed and leans down in front of me so she's at my hight "alright little one where's your box?" I point under my bed where I moved it to get my paci when I woke up from my nightmare speaking of which where is my paci? I threw it when I went to open the door for willow I start to sniffle and poke willows back as she hums quietly as she sits up pulling my box out from under my bed "what's up kiddo?" I sniffle more and make grabby hands willow pulls me into a hug " hunny I don't know what you want if you don't use your words" I nod and mumble "m paci" willow sets me back in my bed and nods opening my little box " ah here you go darling" I stare at the paci she's trying give me and whine shaking my head "uk paciii(b)!" Willow hums quietly and looks in the box "it's not in here estrella" I look around and sniffle willow gently pats my head "hey hey it's ok flor, let's look for it it couldn't have gone far" I nod and crawl off my bed and we start looking after a few minutes of looking I flip on my bed and whine " m can't fin it" I feel something pressing into my back and pull my blanket off my bed as I do my paci falls out of the blanket willow picks it up and smiles "see rosa I told you we would find it" I smile and giggle willow boops me "now how about you lay down and I'll get you hootella and rinse your paci off for you sound good lil lirio?" I nod and giggle crawling into bed willow picks up my box and pulls hootella out handing her to me and walking out of the room to rinse my paci I roll into my side and scoot to the side of my bed to make room for willow I cuddle hootella soon willow walls back in and gives me my paci "alright lil lavanda ready to go nini, hm?" I yawn quietly and nod a bit putting my pack in my mouth, willow comes and sits on the bed next to me holding her arms out to me "come on estrella I'll tell you a bedtime story" I scoot closer to her and she cuddles me in her arms I can feel my eye lids drooping shut as willow starts the story I know I won't last long before falling asleep "alright flor once upon a time.." And that was all I heard before slipping into a dreamless sleep


ord count:620


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