(5)Lonely Storm Scares

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After amity went home it started to get dark outside so I decided it was time to start getting ready for bed I get my purple dinosaur onesie and take it to the bathroom I quickly take a shower and brush my teeth before drying off and putting my onesie on and going back to my room I lay down and plug my phone in so the bug lamp that charges my phone lights up I usually use it as a night light since I get lots of nightmares because you know getting attacked my different monsters that I've never heard of till I got here is traumatizing I sigh and slowly slip into unconsciousness and begin dreaming

"Amity?" I approach my girlfriend suddenly the room is spinning but me and her are standing still amity slowly turns to my her eyes are black and driping some black liquid "stay away from me your and your human activities are so gross" I start to feel a tear slip from my eye "w-what? What are you talking about amity?" Amity motions to me and scofts in discussed " don't play dumb you know exactly what I'm talking about" I look down and see I'm in my little space onesie and have my owl teether clipped to it I have my sippy in one hand and paci(a) in the other I quickly drop them and back up "no, no, nonononono amity please don't do this to me" my back hits a wall and I look up sliding down to sit down suddenly I'm back in the center of the room but now amity willow gus eda king and Hunter are in a circle around yelling I can't decipher who's saying what I can barely hear what their all saying I catch a few and they make me sob harder "disgusting" " I can't believe I even let you stay" "get away from me" "do you have some kind of Disease or something" "your so pathetic" " I know I'm superior but your pathetic compared to everything else" "I didn't know a human could be so pathetic" then it all went silent and I suddenly heard a huge crack like lightening forcing me into conscience

I sit up fast being thrown into little space after the nightmare I slid out of bed and look out my window a storm that must of been what woke me I'm glad it did that nightmare was awful but what if they all actually think those thinks I grab my little box and climb back into bed putting my paci(b) in my mouth before grabing my crystal ball to call willow I told willow about my little space awhile ago because she came over early one day and caught me in little space since I forgot to lock my door I finally call willow and she answers "luz? What time is it?" I hum and shrug willow rubs her eyes and finally looks at me "ah are you in little space?" I nod and sniffle willow sits up right and looks at me more intently like a mother "did you have a nightmare hunny?" I nod and make grabby hands at her she frowns "awh I'm sorry love I can't hold you right now" I take my paci out so I can talk "tan ou come ober ? Peasssseee? Me wiww be wiwwy gowds I pwomise! (Can you come over? Pleassssssssseee? I will be really good I promise!)" Willow hums and starts to move around but I can't tell what she's doing so I just watch silently waiting for her to answer "hm let me go ask my dad's hunny, alright?" I nod fast and she puts the crystal ball down on her desk and leaves the room

Word count:630

A/n: sorry for the cliffhanger but I promise I'll put the next chapter out as fast as I can <3

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