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Jhope got of the grass after resting for a bit ,he got inside and went over to the kitchen looking for a quick snack to only find some cake in the fridge and alot of instant noodles.

He picked the cake from the fridge,put a slice on a plat and sat on the small dining table .well it's just a mom and her son no need for a big family dinning table am I right?

He sat there eating his cake peacefully when his mom appeared in the kitchen.

She got In and started making her self a cup of coffee not saying anything to hobi.

Once she was done she turned around leaning her back on the counter then started "sooooooo hobi ,I wanted to tell you about this thing but I don't think you will like it "

"What is it ?" Jhope asked tilting his head to the side like he always does when confused.

"Well honey....hmm.     Well I have a brother ."

"Okay " he said taking another bit from his cake

" Well this brother has a son "

" Wait....I have a cousin?" Jhope asked as if not obvious already.

"Yeah and ......he has no where to stay ,so we are taking him in for a couple of days" his mom said voice a little low than the usual mom tone

"And why can't he stay at his own house?" Jhope asked tilting his head again.

" Because his father doesn't want a criminal in his house" she said looking down avoiding her son's eyes that had a shocked look in them.

"A WHAT !" Jhope shouted his voice coming out loude unintentionally.

"Hobi I know you don't approve of this but you are still not allowed to rais your voice at your mother young man " she said strictly yet she didn't seem as mad, understanding her son's situation.

She knew how he felt about having a criminal stay at there home . Cause she was worried too.

CousinsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon