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They walked for a bit more and talked about other things .

The two weren't exactly the same ,nor super different.

Jhope was at first worried,after all he had heard he was terrifyed ,but the more they talked he realized that Tae wasn't as scary .

Well Tae did look kinda scary and had this eery aura but still his personality wasn't that bad ,he was fun ,yet tried to hide his face when ever he smiled or laughed at a joke .

The day went by smoothly,jhope insisted they stay till sunset.

The two sat at a random spot in a field near the park they were having there walk at .

The two sat talking more but it was meanly just silence,not an awkward one though.if the two agreed on something it would probably be that they both prefer peace and quiet than a full blown party or whatever.

The sun started setting and the sky looked like those paintings on Pinterest or the ones you see as a background for an amazing painting of a beautiful girl .

Once the sun was set ,they stayed there for a bit just staring at the sky that had darkened.

"Are you still scared of me "Tae asked as they walked there way back home .

"Nope "jhope said in a playful way ,he was always cheerful and happy.

Tae smiled down at him self ,'this guy is weird and different but in a good way ,so positive' Tae thought.

"Home sweet home ,my stomach hurts from all the sweets and ice cream" jhope said  as he entered the house gripping on his tummy.

Tae chuckled.

"You look adorable when you smile,do it more maybe people won't fear you anymore if you do " jhope said smiling at him.

Tae felt some unusual heat rise up his face .

"Ohhhh your blushing" jhope said in awe ,he really was cute .

"N....no am not " tae said acting mad but like ,who can get mad at such sunshine ball .

"Sure ..... wanna eat something"jhope asked .

With to bowls of white rice and some dark brown sauce,they sat in the back yard eating as they started at the sky that was now covered in stars ,like a cake covered in black frosting then someone came and sprinkled some white sprinkles on top. A Masterpiece.( Can we stop with the simile already 😂)

Tae was done with his bowl while getting up to leave to there room he decided to leave a quick gift.

A kiss.

CousinsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ