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Jhope pov.

" okay Zack what do you want to do now " i said exhausted.

So basically after the mother left ,Zack kept asking Tae about his tattoos,there meaning,when he got them and when can he get his own tattoo ,then the boy preceded to start asking for ice cream and pulling at both of our sleeves ,then somehow the boy found out that I teach dancing and asked me to teach him .

Then the boy finally decided that it was nap time and slept in Tae's lap .

And let me not tell you about the amount of looks we got and man ,there was that woman who looked pissed as fuck she stumped our way then shouted "you two are really bad parents,you can't be doing this "and other shit that I could care less about .

Homophobes. Tae took care of it anyway.

Over all the day was fun after sunset we called the mother telling her we were leaving,when she came we handed her a sleeping boy,and I think it was the first time that she had taken a close up of Tae because the woman's mouth dropped to the floor when she saw the guy .

Literally we were quite far from her  and can see  her eyes  still on the man, mouth opened.......my man

"Ughhh am tired....."I said stumbling my way in the house, taking care of childer is hard exceptionally when it's a boy like Zack ,the boy is bold as fuck and got used to us way too fast ,that boy would for sure fall for the man in a black van with candy to give ,if you know what I mean . His mother should really be careful.

Tae had went to the living room ,I followed him after taking my shoes off. He was laying on his stomach his body spread over the longest couch.

"You dead ?" I asked sarcasticly .

"Not yet " he chuckled as he pulled his face away  form the fabric and looking up at jhope

"Hay don't say that " I don't know why him saying that didn't sit right with me , maybe because I already felt bad enough for  him because he didn't get to live his teenage life or maybe........I don't know to be honest.

"Fine , wanna watch a movie?" Tae said straightening his posture a little but still half laying flat but on his back .

3rd person pov.

The two sat together on the couch tae's legs spread on the couch and landing in jhope's lap as he sat beneath his long , strong legs.

They opened Netflix and scrolled through there options.

" Why are all the recommended movies have to do with the LGBTQ community?" Jhope asked .

" Well it's pride month,does that bother you ,I mean you told me you were gay before ?" Tae asked his face looking confused.

" No of course it doesn't " jhope said defensively.

" You sure " Tae said  sitting up and getting closer to jhope's face.

"Yes " jhope answered trying to look as confident in his answer as possible.

"You sure " tae said getting even closer.

" Y...yeah ,am sure " jhope studdered,the nearness and how close they were started to overwhelm him .

" Then prove it " Tae whispered seductively as he licked jhope's earlobe.

"W....what " jhope studdered.

Now realizing that he got pulled down a little so he was half laying on his back with Tae hovering over him .

Are y'all ready?🙂

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