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The boy named Eren collected his stuff as he took one last sip of his water throwing his bag on his shoulder and following jhope out .

When they were at the exit door the boy thanked jhope of the lesson then left with a goodbye wave .

Jhope closed the door behind him to only get pinned to it after .

"How was your lesson ?"Tae asked in a whisper like voice.

" It was good ,to be honest any of my other students are way better than that girl Emily" jhope said chuckling .

" Yeah when is her next lesson anyways?"Tae asked

"Well she actually wanted to come today but I cancelled with her ,told her that I will be busy ,to be honest am not in the mood to deal with such girl" jhope said feeling comfertable and bold enough to wrap his arms around tae's neck and hugging him close

"Do you want to go to the park , maybe stay till sunset?" Tae said smiling at the boy who had hide his head in the crook of his neck.

"Yeah that sounds fun ,but am not really in the mood for another sever stomach ache,can we make some food and go . Like a picnic?" Jhope asked his eyes lighting up . Even though jhope was one year older than Tae he still seemed like the younger one , maybe because of his inocence.

Jhope pov .

Okay am fucking drooling right now .

Not because of the food ,but because of who is cooking the food .

Imagine. A tall handsome man , a fair ,well built body with a tight black half sleeve shirt and a pair of black sweatpants and on top of all that a cute pink and white apron that cinched in his waist .

Hope your not drooling over ma man now .

And over all that he was COOKING for meeeee. And the food actually smelled delicious .

Can't wait for that picnic and the food ................ nothing else.

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