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He gave him a small quick peck on the lips before walking out like he did nothing.

Leaving a flustered and confused jhope behind.

"Hay what was that for ?" Jhope shouted at him .

"Chill it's a cousins thing"Tae simply replied going up stairs.

"Really ?" jhope said tilting his head , oblivious/inocent hobi ,here we go .

The two went to bed each sleeping on there respective beds .

"So what do you normally do on such a basic day ?" Tae asked ,the two were sitting on the dining table having there breakfast.

"Well a normal day for me is ,eat breakfast,go to the basement and then come out at lunch time , it's like I live down there and then I sit in my room hold my phone then it's time for dinner,I eat then go to my room stare outside the window at the sky and stars till I finally get nocked down and sleep ,....oh yeah and I help my mom around the house and work in the backyard but that's just once a week , except for watering the plants and stuff" jhope said smiling after .

" That's......... boring as fuck" Tae said looking at him unamused.

"Then tell me what you do ,what did you use to do in jail and stuff ? " Jhope asked biting on his sandwich.

"Well we didn't have much to do , exceptionally because I had to work like 6 hours or even more every day Soo yeah the rest of the time we would play cards , Chess or watch tv ." Tae said remembering the past years.

" Oh I love cards, what kind of card games?" Jhope asked .

" Poker using some candy , spades,love that one and .....yeah ". Tae said nonchalantly.

"Oh....I love spades,let's play I have cards upstairs"

"Well you're supposed to play it with four but I guess we can make this work ,it doesn't have to be a serious game any ways".

" I call 4 spades" tae said looking at his cards .

"Hmmm........with " jhope said also looking at his cards.

"Okay let's get started" jhope said excited.

"Sure but ,who ever gets the most wins gets a wish granted,how does that sound "Tae asked looking at jhope seductively.

"Sure " jhope said raising a brow.

Okay just to be clear idk if the game they are playing is actually called spades sooo yeah don't mind me 😅

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