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" I just need one more set to win "tae said waiting for jhope to throw the last card he had .

Once jhope did, he threw a 2 red heart ,tae won for the fifth time as he threw his 5 red heart, winning the game .

"Ugh how are you so good "jhope said mouth wide open a shocked mixed with an amused face was shown.

"Well I guess when you are bored you start becoming an expert at what you do in your free time ." Tae smirked.

"Okay fine what's your wish " jhope said laughing.

"Hmmm.......let me think.......what about another cousins kiss ,how does that sound" Tae said a brow raised and a smirk on his face .

Jhope had no clue what to say .

"Well it's your wish ........I guess" after minutes of silence jhope finally said .

Tae smiled for a second before pulling jhope in, one hand on the nape of jhope's neck the other just beside him .

Tae pulled him in and started kissing him softly at first,there was no reaction from jhope for the first couple of minutes but soon he got into it and kissed back and of course you would expect from a guy like Tae that things will escalate quite quickly.

But that's not what happened, Tae didn't want to scare the guy ,so he kept at this pace just soft and calm yet breath taking.

The two pulled away after a little,jhope was  red-er that the tomatoes they grew in the back yard and tae just smirked at him ,tae went from being expressionless to smirking way too much .

"Did you like it? .....want more " Tae asked seductively as he watched jhope get even more red if that was even possible, someone save the guy he is on the verge of boiling.

Tae got up quickly pecking him once again before going down stairs, probably to watch the tv as alway ,while jhope flopped on his bed ................ someone help the poor boy .

( For you all to understand,after breakfast the two went upstairs to there room to play okay )

Later ,at night . Apparently god was mad at his people cause the thunder and lightning ware as strong as ever , shaking the houses and the people in it .

Jhope loved the rain but hated this type of weather more like was afraid of it after seeing that one video when he was 7 or 8 of a guy getting struck by lightning and ever since then he feared it .

While on the other hand . Tae just sat by the window ,he had pulled a chair near the window in the room and was sitting admiring the view smoking a cigarette.

He looked calm and peaceful just watching as the lighting struck ,while jhope was trying to hide under the covers like he used to when he was younger.

Tae noticed him " hay jhope come here " he said in a calm gentle voice.

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