❧ chapter vi: solivagant

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SOLICAGANT - adjective, wandering alone.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *

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─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

Y/n is alone in the garden. How, one would ask? She had snuck past everyone and had jumped out the window. Her window wasn't too far from the ground— the fall wasn't that bad, and luckily, she was wearing an obnoxiously poofy dress which cushioned her fall.

The girl smiled as she breathed in the sweet scent of a marigold. It was her most favorite flower, as she found the color absolutely stunning and she was entranced by the shape and placement of the delicate petals.

"How gorgeous," she would mutter, her hand brushing over the stem of the flower. She did not dare to pick it; she never picked flourishing flowers. She would hate to see them wither away, to slowly have their life drained.

"I see that you still spend all your time in the garden?" A voice spoke from behind her.
Y/n's head whirled around quickly, and she was met with a smiley face drawn onto a porcelain mask.

"Dream," the girl breathed, feeling a smile grow on her face. She hadn't seen her brother in ages.

"Y/n," she could hear the grin beneath his mask. Despite it, she was always able to decipher his emotions. It was much too obvious.

The girl patted the spot next to her, "Come, sit with me," she ushered.

Dream strutted over to her, accepting her offer. He sat down beside her gladly.

"I heard you've been doing well as second in command under majesty?" The siblings did not address their father as their father, even when they were alone together. Perhaps it was courtesy, or perhaps it was because they did not feel that he fit the role very well.

"Very well, actually," Dream ran a hand through his dirty blond locks, letting out a light chuckle.

"A lot of work, though."

Y/n nodded as she smiled at him, "Better to have something to do than nothing," she muttered, a slight bitterness lacing her words.

"That's easy for you to say," Dream laces his fingers together behind his head and lies back. "You have no idea what having a lot of work is like."

Y/n rolls her eyes playfully as she glares at him. It was only like Dream to make annoying comments with no motive.

"Easy for you to assume," the female says, "you've never had nothing to do for months on end. At this point, I'd easily trade my life for yours. Being alone for hours on end is more than just boring. You can take your mind off things."

Things. They both knew what she was talking about.

Dreams laughs a mirthless chuckle, "Calm down, I was just saying." Y/n sighs as she shakes her head in disbelief.

"Sure you were."

"Anyway, how has it been in the castle?" Dream asks.

"It's been pretty good. Boring, but I suppose the flowers keep me occupied." The lie rolls easily off of Y/n's tongue. She doesn't even need to think about it; it comes naturally.

And, despite it being so obviously untrue, Dream believes her— or perhaps he doesn't. Either way, he doesn't mention it.

The twins grow silent. They remain like this, birds chirping in the background as they admire the greenery, perhaps for five minutes, before the silence is broken.

"Well, I have to go," Dream then says. Y/n furrows her eyebrows.

"But you just got here," The girl mumbled. Dream sighed as he stood up and dusted his green cloak off.

"I didn't have much time from the start. I just thought I'd say hi," he explained. Y/n did not stand up to join him or hug him. She simply nodded and stared back at the flower in front of her.

"Well then, goodbye, I guess." She muttered.

"Aw, c'mon Y/n, don't be like that. I could have not come at all."

Y/n sighed as she bit her lip, "You're right. I'm sorry." Sorry. Y/n always said that she was sorry. It was always her who was at fault.

Dream shrugged, "It's fine."

As much as the twins confided in one another, this did not mean that one would not lie or take advantage of the other. They most certainly had a close bond, but that didn't mean that their relationship wasn't twisted in any way.

No other words were uttered as Dream made his leave, feet crunching against the soft grass that covered the garden floor.

And so, Dream left Y/n how she began without him: alone. Though, now, she felt lonely. She felt as if there was an empty spot were Dream had recently sat.

Breathing a melancholy sigh, Y/n brought her knees up to her chin and rested her head on them, wrapping her arms around herself.

As much as she appreciated Dream coming to greet her, it only reminded her of how lonely she felt, of how lonely she'd soon feel. It didn't matter if she was soon going to be married; being lonely was very different than being alone.

Y/n let out a bitter chuckle as her eyes floated up to the sky. She admired the way the colours melted together in harmony; it was so perfectly imperfect.

The girl breathed a soft exhale as her eyes then closed and she breathed in the fragrant smell of nature.

She wished Wilbur was there.

Never have I been so surrounded by so many people and yet felt so alone.

─── 。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚. ───

        ► siren, ♛

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