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"Hey, Deku."

Midnight squealed. "You two know each other?! That is so cute!"

"Shut up, Perfume!" Katsuki grunted.

"Glad you two are familiar. Maybe you could tell us more about how he got kidnapped," Nezu said.

"I told you," Izuku started. "I don't remember."

"It has been over a decade, Nezu," Recovery Girl said. "They took him when he was very young."

"Maybe we should just let him rest," Midnight suggested.

"Tha is a good idea," Nezu agreed. "Nice meeting you, Izuku."

"Have fun~." Midnight teased.

Katsuki rolled him eyes and sat down next to Izuku.

"Here. You dropped this."

Pushing Izuku's wind back into his own hands, Katsuki sighed.

"So, like, what's going to happen now?" he asked.

Izuku shrugged. "Guess I get to stay here with you."

Before Katsuki could answer, the doors burst open and the rest of Class 1-A entered the dorm.

"Awwww!" Mina squealed. "He's so adorable!"

Almost all of the girls immediately ran over to Izuku. His green eyes found Katsuki's red ones and pleaded for help.

"Knock it off!" Katsuki grunted. "Leave him alone. He doesn't even know you."

"Bakugou's being considerate?" Mineta teased. But Katsuki wasn't having it.

"Why are you still here, anyway? How come the author hasn't kicked you out yet?" Katsuki questioned. "That's funny. Usually you'd be dead by now, Mineta."

Picking up a frightened Izuku (bridal style 😏) and flipping everyone off, he escaped to his dorm room before anyone else could bother them.

He set Izuku down on his bed, closing and locking the door.

"Thank you," Izuku whispered. Katsuki nodded and turned on his LED lights, smirking.

"I knew you always liked these."

Izuku gasped. They were so pretty. Greens and yellows, and...

Purples and whites...

Izuku was vaguely reminded of The Room. He shuddered and shrank away from the lights.

Katsuki sat down next to him on the bed. "You good?"

Izuku nodded. "They just remind me of something bad."

"Wanna talk about it?"

He nodded. "They would inject this... liquid into me that would... that would put-- put me in a lot of pain--"

Tears found their way out of Izuku's eyes as he was brutally reminded of all the terrible things they had done to him.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, it's okay. You're fine," Katsuki said. He didn't know how to comfort people.

Izuku wrapped his arms around Katsuki unexpectedly. He looked down at Izuku and smiled softly.

You still haven't changed after all these years...

He, in turn, cuddled Izuku.

I want a picture of this, I love them so much 😭. Who knew my own writing would make me go "awww"?


"We're very sorry, master, but the heroes got him--"


"Master, we--"

"No... if you can't even do your jobs correctly, then what's the point of having a job at all?"

The guards went silent. Master wouldn't. He wouldn't dare...

"Master Tomura, please! We'll do better next time!"

"Take them away."



I tried making it like that scene in horror movies/shows/Stranger Things where there's a person being dragged away or something, and they're screaming and stuff and then the scene just cuts. Did I do it correctly? Feedback is greatly appreciated.

Alright, back to the story.

Katsuki was the first to wake up, not even realizing that he had fallen asleep. He realized that he was still holding Izuku and tried letting him go, but that boy had a strong grip.

Chuckling, he rolled on top of Izuku, not suffocating him, but just so he couldn't escape.

Izuku was immediately woken up. "Kacchan!" he gasped. "What are you doing?!"

"Waking you up," Katsuki said while rolling off of him.

"That is not how you wake someone up!"

"Well, it is now."

Laughing at Izuku's expression, Katsuki got up and rummaged through his closet to see if he had anything for Izuku to wear.

He threw a hoodie and sweats at his face. "Hurry up and get dressed. We don't have all day."

Walking out of his room, he closed the door and leaned on it from the outside, a smile playing on his lips.

"Damn, Izuku...

If only you knew..."

"Kacchan... if only you knew," Izuku whispered from inside Katsuki's dorm while pulling the hoodie over his head.

"How much I fucking love you."

"How much I love you."

I'm actually proud of this shit-

Bakudeku is just *muah* chef's kiss! So hot, damn.

Anyways, since I am angsty boy this fluffy fluff will not last long.

En-fucking-joy, dear reader. En-fucking-joy.

The Toy BoyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora