Coming Out (Part 2)

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Alright y'all, I'm gonna Izuku's hair shoulder-length, for science. Sorry if you don't prefer that, but I wanna. No fem!deku, though.

Without further ado, let's begin.

Izuku knocked on Katsuki's door. "Hey, Kacchan," he said. "I need to speak to you."

It was the end of Izuku's first week at UA. So far, everything had been good. He had taken his time adjusting to the new environment. It was strange for him not to wake up in his cell again.

Katsuki had been training in his room. He would usually explode at anyone who would interrupt him, but Izuku didn't know that so it wouldn't sense for Katsuki to just snap at him randomly.

He put down his weights and grabbed his sweat towel (I did my research), which was hanging off the side of his desk chair.

He slung it around his neck and opened the door, finding Izuku standing there with his hands clasped neatly in front of him. His face was bright red.

"Sure, come in."

Izuku stepped into Katsuki's room timidly, like there were hot coals on the floor. He sat down on his bed and stared at the floor.

Katsuki sat next to him. "What's the matter?"

What was the matter? The matter was that Izuku loved Katsuki more than a friend, and he didn't know how to come out to him.

He stuttered. "Well, uh, I kind of..."

He couldn't say it. He couldn't do it. He should just give up instead of risk their friendship over a stupid crush.

"You kind of what?" Katsuki pressed. His voice was soft, but not the forced kind of soft. It was the natural kind of soft that could only be created by somebody who truly cared about you and what they were saying. It was real.

This calmed Izuku a little.


"Woah, woah, woah!" Katsuki laughed. "Slow down."

Izuku took a deep breath.

"I have a crush on you, and it's okay if you don't like me back, it's fine. I know not everyone is okay, and you can cut ties with me or whatever, but I just wanted you to know that--"

But he was cut off by a passionate kiss from Katsuki, straight on the lips. It surprised Izuku at first, but he slowly melted into it and gave it his best kissing ability.

Once they finished making out, Izuku finished his sentence.

"That- that I love you."

Katsuki smirked. "I love you too, Deku."

Izuku leaned back in for another kiss, and Katsuki gratefully accepted it.


Sorry for the author notes. I feel like I'm annoying the shit out of someone with these-- but you can ignore this.

Anyways, I angst boi, so... you're lucky I'm warning you before it happens!

;) love ya.

Izuku and Katsuki were cuddling under a tree. Izuku had to hold him back from killing the rest of the class for making love signs all around them.

"YOU FUCKERS!" Katsuki had screamed. "I'LL KILL YOU ALL, BASTARDS!"

"Lovebirds!" Serou called. "Loooovebirds!"

"Guys, stop!" Izuku had laughed. "Kacchan's going to explode you all to hell if you don't stop!"

"Kacchan!" Denki had said in a high-pitched voice. "Kaaaachan!"

Izuku had decided to take him outside so he could simmer down. Some cuddles and a few kisses had evidently done the trick, because now Katsuki was acting like nothing had ever happened.

"So, are we like, officially dating now?" Izuku asked.

Katsuki laughed. "How many make-out sessions will it take for this to settle in your brain? Yes, Izu, we are officially dating."



"I like it. It's cute."

"Great, because I was going to call you that whether you liked it our not."

They both broke out into laughter and decided to go back inside.

They were holding hands. Everything was going great, until Izuku was suddenly snatched from his grip.

"Izuku!" Katsuki yelled, looking around. But something was off. Izuku was gone, but that wasn't the only thing.

Everyone that had been around them was dead, killed brutally. Some had their heads missing, others had their bones twisted and contorted into different shapes and unnatural directions.

...Stranger Things 4 reference.

Katsuki took a step back and hunched over, coughing up mouthfuls of vomit.

He stood back up again to only stare into the eyes of Tomura Shigaraki.

"What... did you do?" Katsuki asked groggily.

"I simply...

Rewound him."

Oooooh, angst angst, I love it...

I speedrunned this chapter. Beautiful.

"iF I cOuLd, i'D mAkE a deAl wItH gOd, aNd i'D gEt hiM tO sWaP oUr pLaCesssSsSss

i'D bE rUnNinG uP tHaT roAd, bE rUnNinG uP tHaT hilL, be rUnNinG uP tHaT bUiLdInG

CoMe cOme daRlIng, cOmE oN aNgeL, lEt mE stEAl thIs mOmeNt fRoM yoU nOw~~~"


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