A Deal

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He made his way towards them.

Katsuki instinctively shielded Izuku from Shigaraki, but he gave him a weird look.

"Why are you protecting him?" Shigaraki asked. "He's dead."

Katsuki shook his head, jaw set. "He... he can be repaired! He can be healed... He can be fixed!"

Shigaraki smirked. "I see..."

He thought of something to make little Katsuki's situation worse.

"Let's make a deal," Shigaraki said. Katsuki looked up at him.


"I said, let's make a deal. I'll get my people to repair my Toy, and you can have him back."

Shigaraki paused. Katsuki stared at him. It was like making a deal with the devil...

Shigaraki continued. "On one condition. That you do not befriend him again, or anything like that. Break up with him, and all of that. If you break that rule, I'm going to take my Toy back, and he won't be going to his cell this time."

Katsuki turned pale. Izuku could be repaired, but at what cost?

"The same thing goes for the rest of UA. He can try to interact with you, but just ignore him. Got it?"

Katsuki knew damn well that that would break Izuku-- reduce him to less than whatever he was protecting right now. A remnant of the boy he loved.

But he had no other choice. He would rather Izuku be alive than whatever this state was.

Katsuki took a deep breath. "Okay. Just don't hurt him."

Shigaraki smirked. "No promises."

He bent down over Izuku and took him from Katsuki's arms.

"My precious Toy, my greatest creation..."

And as he disappeared through a purple portal, a broken Izuku in his arms, Katsuki thought he saw just the shadow...

Of a smirk.

"What?!" Aizawa exclaimed. Katsuki had just explained the situation to him and the class. All of the bodies outside were getting cleaned up by some of the staff members.

"The whole body situation is bad enough. UA will lose it's reputation! We'll be deemed, 'the murder school', or 'the school that failed to rescue someone in distress'!" Iida proclaimed.

Katsuki stared at him. "You're really worried about image right now?"

Iida cowered under Katsuki's stare and kept his mouth shut.

Katsuki made a 'huh' noise. "That's what I thought, asshole."

Iida didn't have enough balls to tell him to watch his language. Iida was still learning that he was not the one in-charge all the time.

Aizawa sighed. "What are we gonna do...?"

Katsuki shrugged. "I don't know. I guess all we can do is wait."

He vaguely remembered Shigaraki's smirk as he took Izuku. What did he have planned?

Whatever it was, Katsuki thought, it couldn't be good.

He just didn't know how bad.

Izuku was currently getting worked on by a Toy nurse, who was singing a song as she worked.

"Got a secret, can you keep it? Swear, rhis one you'll save... better lock it, in your pocket, takin' this one to the grave..."

"If I show you, then I know you, won't tell what I said...

"Cause two can keep a secret,

"If one, of them dead."

Song: Secret, by The Pierces.

:) ily. Thanks for reading!

Yes, I am rewriting The Puppeteer.

Alr, bye! <3

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