The Polluted City

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The letter that started this all;

Dear friend,

You made me realise that what I feel is not me going insane over the fumes from the fire, gaslighted by my parents,

Instead you made me realise that breathing polluted air wasn't normal.

That what I see isn't a clear view of the sky but was instead polluted fog,
foggy enough that I couldn't see that other cities are filled with rays of sunshine,
That it's not always gloomy thick with gray fog covering the sky,
but instead thick white clouds,
That it's not burning hot with only toxic water pouring out of its cloud, but clear rain that cools down the earth core,

How could a person who has always been born in a polluted world be able to differentiate between the clear water and toxic waste?
It's always been harder then it sounds.

As a wise person once said.
"Just because you know your colourblind doesn't mean your able to see the colour"

Thank you,

Escapism From The City Of GrayWhere stories live. Discover now