Why Parent?

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Why parent?
No matter what I say, It'll be nothing but noise to you.
I haven't proof my worth as a human,is that why?
I might just end up being a noise to you until the day I die.
Just be seen as an annoying, buzzing fly by my own parent until THEY inevitably die,

As long as I'm not 18
In your eyes I'll never be seen,
I'm not sentient, the time to proof that I'm human hasn't arrived.
That in my 17 years of life,
you never saw me as your child,
You made it clear all the time.

Rather then a cat you like to treat with snacks, comfy bed, a roof under its head,
Rather then a cat that meows endlessly with no actual words to be said,
Rather then be seen as someone to be tame and train.

I wish for you to treat me like one of your own.
A person with their own thoughts and feeling,
rather then a broken accessory,
Just to be worn and shown off,
To be used and throw when unwanted,
To be forgotten once becoming invaluable,

Why do I need to work hard and be a slave to my parents expectation?
Why should it bother me that you don't care?
Why are you the way you are?

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