Yours Truly,

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I sometimes wonder, how do you force a deaf man to hear?
How do you make a blind man to see what's infront of their eyes?
How can I force a man who thinks his the best, to look upon his flaw?
How do you be the sun that melts archilles wing?

A blind man could never see himself in the mirror,
Curse to never be able to reflect on themself.
How could you differentiate between the blind with the sight if all of them looks the same?
How can you tell wether someone is genuinely blind or closing their eyes?
Pretending to be someone their not. Pretending to be sickly just not to face consequences?
To not take responsibility?
To willfully be stupid and worst off?

How do some people live a fulfilling life, knowing their flaws and being able to fix it but willfully being the worst possible person they can just because they don't see themself as being wrong.
Do they not have desire to improve themself?
To put effort to be better instead of willfully and pride upon being ignorant.
How could you do that and still believe your smart, dear Parent?

You've called me stupid but all your reasoning are my young age or I'm ignorant to reality. That's all you can ever come up with. I wish you tell me why instead of giving a vague answer.

I'm not like you, I asked cause I want to improve.
But you give me answer I can't improve upon.
I can't change my age and I can't make myself see the "reality" that you always talk about.

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