Dear Parent,

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You always mock me for acting "smart".
Just because i can always poke flaw about what you say or question your philosophy, doesn't mean I'm smart, maybe your just dumb.
The fact that you can never see it as a possibility , proof I'm right.
The fact that you never want to accept that your wrong, proof your stupid, cause you would never change.
You would stay doing the same wrong thing forever cause you believe that your right and you'll go by life being wrong.
Your 46 years old, you've been wrong most of your life because you never want to change.

I'm cursed of being able to see and hear, in a way that I can hear your hurtful words and see all the wrongs
I'm cursed living with a parent that is blind and deaf in a way they can never see their flaw or listen to others critique.
They can only see what they ever saw and hear what they ever heard. They can't hear music that was never played
They can't see possibility without definitive proof.

It drives me insane how much they think their right with no possibility of being wrong, but maybe I'm doing the same thing .

Maybe I'm blind and deaf in a way I haven't notice, maybe I've been screaming when I have always been a mute.
maybe I can't see the truth infront of my eyes.
Maybe I'm as stupid as them but too egotistical and stupid to ever realise .
But I always see possibility, and I see the possibility that I might be wrong, while they never. So maybe, just maybe, I'm different.

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