Not Just A Friend.

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You're the glue holding the broken vase together,

The ray of sunshine penetrating the gray sky,

The roots holding the tree from falling over the cliff,

The nail that holds the picture frame from falling over

The one that watered, the wilted flower on the ground.

The one who made me realise that my words have meaning and aren't just mumbling sound.

The one who made me realise that I'm not mute, I was just surrounded by the deaf

That my feelings are real, and not coded to annoy people around

The substance I need, rather then drug and weed.

The supporting beam holding onto a crumbling building

Everyone left me while you stick around,

You gave me hope while everyone else took it,

You help my self esteem while everyone else break it,

You saw an abandon house, instead of the haunted.

You saw me even when I always ever been, invisible.

You notice the flower between the cracks in the pavement,

A small planet that haven't been spotted,

A ghost without the white sheet,

The song without a sound,

Your the speaker to my microphone,

Your the bag that keeps my marble together,

Your the plaster that stops the wound from getting worse,

Your the respirator that keeps me safe and healthy,
The respirator that filter the polluted air,
That stops the tears from the ashes blown into my eyes,
That help me see between the gray smog,
You make going through life easier
in this polluted city.

I wish to repay you but no amount of money is enough for what you've given to me. A reason to live.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2022 ⏰

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