Is This It?

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You were poor, and I wasn't.
My childhood is better then yours, since I was never poor.
That's what you think.
No matter what you do to me, as long as I wasn't raise poor then abuse, isn't really abuse, Is that it?
That I had an amazing childhood as long as you gave me the bare minimum, isn't that right?

You don't punch me, therefore your not abusive. But then you had.
You don't want me as a child,
You made that clear,
I don't want you as a parent either,
I've made that clear,
Unlike you I can't raise my parents.
I can't change who I was born with, You can raise your child.
You had a chance to change who I am,
But You never raise me, therefore all of my horrible personality wasn't your fault.
Since you never raise me.
Just fed and kept alive for.
It wasn't out of love is it?
Your upset that murder is illegal, aren't you?
I raise myself, all the trauma and abandonment I felt. I was the one to comfort me.
You weren't there.
You were never mentally there for me.
But your rich, therefore, why should I be bother by how you treat me.

You work to raise a child,
So they can live with comfort,
That was the point wasn't it?
Then why do you treat me as if it was my fault that I was born with you as a parent?
As if I should be guilty for not being born poor.

Why Parent?
I have to asked again,
You never explain it to me,
You just scream until I finally decide to stop asking.

I sometimes wonder,
Do you even know the answer?

I've given up on understanding, the same way you've given up on me.

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