Chapter 8

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Lucas fixed his hair again when looking into the mirror. The suit looked good on him as it was specially tailored for the occasion. His sister was getting married today. His role was to stand at the door, look pretty and smile at the guests, as per his mother's words.

He entered his sister's room, where she was getting ready. Jia looked stunning in her white wedding dress. The colour contrasted her dark hair but suits her pale skin.

"You're beautiful." Lucas said.

"Thanks. You're very handsome today too. Come here." She said. She engulfed him in a big hug while patting his back.

They pulled away and Jia pat Lucas's head. "Let's go. Dad's waiting for me at the door and I'm sure Mom wants you at the very front row too."

Lucas nodded. He helped the guests take their seats before reuniting with his mother at the front seat.

Then the music started and the door opened. A wonderful song perfect for the occasion. The song that he wrote himself, played on a grand piano by a stranger who was lucky he got the privilege to even read the sheet music.
Everyone turned around to see the bride walk hand in hand with her father down the aisle where the groom was waiting.

From that moment everything was a blur to Lucas. One moment they were exchanging very long vows, the next moment he heard someone shout "you may kiss the bride!" and the next thing he knows, he's at the dining table with Athy.


"Lucas!!" She shook him back to reality. He blinked at few rimes and shook his head."Sorry, my brain was on autopilot."

"You were really out of it. You're okay right?" Athy expressed concern.

"Yeah... I'm fine." He waved it off. Lucas shifted his gaze to the side where the newlyweds were sharing a meal. "They look happy together. Honestly I'm glad she's found her happiness.... But if he ever makes my sister shed just one tear, don't be shocked of you see me on the news.

Athy didn't say anything. She shoved his mouth with cake and ate the rest.


Years later

Everyone graduated high school without a problem. Moving onto university, it's a miracle that they were at the same one.

Athy is taking business management while Lucas studying music composition and production. Jennette took an art degree, Ijekiel is in the same faculty as Athy.

Just like in her younger days, Athy is very popular in university due to her looks. She's got beauty and brains, making her very well known. Sadly for the boys she's forever taken by Lucas.

After getting into college, Lucas moved into an apartment he bought after earning money writing songs for A.O entertainment. He continued his studies to refine his knowledge of music. Some even scouted him as an artist but he refused saying he was already taken by A.O.

It was a another normal day in their lives. Lucas plug in his earphones to drown the noise of girls squealing. He was waiting for Athy to finish class outside her building.

He saw Athy exit while holding a bunch of books. Probably all her study materials.

Lucas swiftly took more than half the stack and walked right beside her.
"You wanna stop by the dorm first?"
She hummed in response. Since boys can't enter the girls'dormitory, Athy took back her books and drop it in her room.

"Let's go." Lucas said. He led her to the parking lot where his motorbike was waiting. He made sure Athy's helmet was secure before jumping on the bike and revving it up.

Athy climbed at the back and hugged his waist tightly. And then they were riding against the wind to a restaurant in the suburbs.

Lucas and Athy were seated at reserved spots next to a window where they could see the beautiful view. Lunch was served and they ate while talking.

"You're coming to see our performance at the festival right?" Athy asked.

"Of course. You rant about that dance routine nonstop." Lucas mimicked they way she complains how she's so tired and her legs hurt.
Athy only rolled her eyes.

"So who's paying?" Lucas said when he finished eating.

"Let's split the bill. I ate way more dessert than you. It's only fair." She answered. Though sometimes it may look like they were only good friends but they actually are in a relationship. That's just how they treat each other, with equal respect.

It was already evening by the time they finished their date. Lucas drove Athy back to her dorm before curfew. She peck his cheek and said, "get home safe."

"I will. Don't strain yourself. Drink lots of water after practice and get lots of rest."

Lucas left leaving a trail of dust after waving at his girlfriend. They do this once every week. Usually Athy would stay over at his place but more work has piled up since exams were coming.

Athy entered her dorm room in which her roommate hadn't fallen asleep yet. Adelaide West is her roommate who studies medicine.

"Had fun on your date?" Adelaide asked.

"Yeah it was fun. Awww were you lonely? Hmm?" Athy said.

Adelaide laughed. "No way! You leave me here all the time that I'm used to it now, sigh." She said dramatically.

"Staying up all night again?" Athy asked. "Yup. Pulling an all nighter to fill my brain with knowledge until it explodes." Adelaide smiled. "The exams are coming up and we have a festival so I gotta finish all my homework by the end of the week. And then! The holidays!"

"I'm so excited! My mom planned a trip to get my workaholic dad to actually spend time with us." Athy said.

"That's good. My sisters are also coming back home soon. We're gonna spend time catching up." Adelaide said, thinking about her sisters who were also staying in dorms. They would reunite as a whole family for the first time in a while.

Athy turned in for the night early while her roommate slept later like she said. Athy has to be up early for both festival preparations and studying for exams.


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