Chapter 10

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Lucas was walking around campus with earphones on when suddenly two people in suits approached him.
"Excuse me, are you Lucas Lee?"

"Yes that's me." Lucas answered. He felt that something was wrong.

"Please come with us." The suited man said.
"What? Uh no thanks." Lucas was so confused. He turned around but there more men in suits surrounding him. He had no choice but to follow.

Lucas was escorted to a sleek black car where he experienced maximum comfort when driving. He asked where they were taking him but was not answered. He just waited patiently.

The street view changed from the sky high buildings to the tall tress and finally to large bungalows. He was transported to a wealthy people residential area in which he wouldn't even dream of stepping in. Well, he has before, his girlfriend's house.

One of those large mansions was the place he was brought to. Luckily Lucas won't miss any classes today since it was cancelled.

Going inside felt as overwhelming as his first experience in Athy's house. Everything was just so....big.

"Greetings, sir. I am William, the butler. Please follow me." An older man said to him. Lucas could only comply, he had no choice anyway.

Walking down the halls he passed by many paintings and pictures of different sizes. A particular portrait caught his eye. He stopped dead in his tracks staring at a picture of a young couple and their baby. It felt familiar in a way.

The most disturbing thing is that the woman in the picture had the same red eyes and black hair as him, as well as her baby.

"That is my daughter, Juyeon. Her English name is Julia." An elderly woman said to him. The butler bent his back slightly while putting a hand to his chest, as respectful greeting. The elderly woman was most likely the lady of the house.

"She and her husband died in an accident on their way here. What shatters my heart the most is that her son went missing after the crash. I suspect that it was a scheme by our family's enemies. I never found my grandson, until now." The woman looked at Lucas longingly. "Please, my dear, can you confirm that for me? I beg you, please."

"You don't need to beg. I...I want to know too." Lucas said. William told the maids to call for the doctor and he arrived with a medical bag.

A doctor took his sample and then he was invited for tea.

"Results will arrive in a few hours. Until then, would you like to join me for tea?" The elderly woman, who introduced herself as Jane, said to Lucas. How could he decline his potential grandmother?

"My husband, Jungwoo Han, inherited his father's entertainment company in Korea. Then he married me, a foreigner to help expand his business to the western society. Have you heard of kpop idols and such?"
Lucas nodded.
"He was managing several idol groups. They're doing quite well now. I gave birth to a girl, when he needed a son. It was fortunate that Juyeon was so cute, my husband fell in love with our little girl. She was bright, very clever, so making her the heir wasn't so bad. But then, the family business was going down. There were too many competitors. So my husband signed a contract with a famous agency here in America to save the business. My daughter even fell in love and married an American. What I'm saying here is, if I'm right, then you will inherit that business." Jane said.

Lucas was overwhelmed. He found out his real family and now he's suddenly inheriting a huge fortune? Well, it doesn't so bad since he'll be on the same status as Athy. No-one would dare to go against their relationship if so.

The butler comes in with the doctor, cutting off Jane's words.
"Madame," the doctor began. "The paternity test shows 99.99% match. This is your grandson."

Madame Jane sobbed with relief. Finally after 23 years of searching, his one and only grandson is back in her arms.
William marched to the servant's quarters where he announced proudly, "The young master has come home!" In which receives gasps and disbelief.


Lucas was in his own apartment, contemplating on his next move. Too much happened in a single day, he didn't even know where to begin.

Life for the next few days consist of Lucas going to that huge mansion to visit his grandmother and learn more about his origins aside from spending time with her. Jane was a very loving woman, but had her priorities straight. The family business would collapse if she doesn't do something soon.

"Lucas my dear, I know this would be too much too ask but, will you take over Hanari Group? I heard you're studying music right? And you already have experience in entertainment biz! You are the only one who can do this." Jane pleaded.

" not sure. Please give me time to think about it." Lucas said.

"Of course, take your time. If you do agree, we will have lessons and tours of the company. Oh! One more thing, have you told your adoptive parents?"

"I'm planning to visit them today actually."

Jane smiled softly. "Based on your stories of them, I'm sure they'd be happy for you.

"Yeah, I know." Lucas said. "Um, Grandma? Can I call you that?"

"Yes! I'd be honored!"

"Grandma, thank you for looking for me for so long. I'm happy you're my family. Please allow me to go home and discuss with my current family."

Lucas left after asking permission politely. Jia was the first person he called, because to him she was his first ever family.

"Hey, Lucas. What's up?" Jia answered after the fourth ring.
"Noona, how are you doing? The kids?"
"We're doing great. Thanks for asking. It's just the usual ruckus and it's so—Liam stop hitting your brothers!— messy in this house. The boys never stop running!" Jia complained. She gave birth to triplet boys a year after she got married. "Anyway, why the call?"

Lucas warmed up his motorbike while calling, "Something happened recently and I really need to talk to you and mom and dad."

"Is it bad? What happened?!"

"No, no. It's not bad. It's just... complicated." He grabbed his helmet.

"I'll be at our parents' house in about 15 minutes." Jia said. She was already packing her purse.

"Thanks noona. Love you." Lucas ended the call, strapping his helmet and hitting the road. He could only think about the potential reactions he'll receive. All will be revealed to him in 20 minutes.


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