prologue: a bad feeling

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A high school where only the elite of japan can study. Exclusive for the best of the best.

Whoever thought of that was either an idiot or a jerk that wanted to segregate the population even more than it already is. That's my opinion, anyways.

In front of me was Hope's Peak Academy, a place where they find people who are so good at doing something they feel the need to call them "ultimates" and put them into this school.

Anyways, you're not here for a lecture of what exactly hope's peak is, so let me get to the point. My name is (Y/n) (L/n), the so called Ultimate Persuader.

What creeped me out the most about the school is that they know the smallest details about you. I never would've ended up being called here if someone from the school's staff wasn't keeping a close eye on me. Unnerving, to say the least.

Since i have common sense, which these morons in charge are apparently lacking, i asked them not to make anything about my "talent" public. They agreed, surprisingly. I thought they only cared about the ultimates developing their talents. Maybe they didn't want me to just up and leave the school or something. On second thought, i should have.

I'm getting off topic. Blah blah blah, there i was, standing in front of the school considering if it wasn't too late to turn around and make a run for it.

I was pretty anxious because ever since i got the letter from the academy i had been having nightmares. I couldn't remember what happened in them exactly, but i always had the same feeling when i woke up, like i was missing an important piece of a puzzle, and also a feeling of immense dread.

Anyways, After a while of inner monologue, i finally stepped into school grounds, but as i tried to walk into the building my vision started getting blurry and the word seemed to spin. then i fainted.


I woke up in an empty classroom. I rubbed my eyes to try and see my surroundings better. It was just a normal classroom, if you exclude the metal plates on the windows and the security cameras- wait, what?

I got up from the desk i was sleeping on and walked over to the window. I tried punching the plate but it didn't budge. I winced. 'Well, not only was that useless, but my hand hurts like a bitch now.'

I turned to the camera and saw a blinking red light on it. I waved sarcastically. Did they really need this much security for the school? Although i didn't know if this was actually Hope's Peak since i didn't see any plates from the outside.

I saw a clock on the wall and checked the time. 7:45. 'I've been asleep for forty minutes? That is, if a day hasn't passed yet. Fuck knows how long i've been alseep.' Noticing there was a piece of paper over one of the desks, i picked it up and read it.

It said that there would be an entrance ceremony at 8:00 and how this academy would be my "whole new world". 'Is- is that an alladin reference? oh, wait, i have a more urgent matter- hmm yes ceremony..'

Shortly after getting out of the room i noticed there was another classroom beside the one i was in. I heard snoring coming from it, so i opened the door to find a guy around my age sleeping. I looked at the clock in that room. 7:50

I could leave him there and probably have him wake up late for the ceremony, or i could be a decent human and wake him up. I'm (probably) decent so i walked in.

I tried to shake him awake until eventually he opened his eyes, which were green "Huh... Where am i?" "Good morning!" He jumped a bit when he saw me, probably because he wasn't expecting to see a whole ass person as soon as he woke up. I backed up a bit to give him space.

"As for your question, i don't know for sure. My best guess: This is Hope's Peak Academy" his eyes widened at the mention of the school "Hope's- i remember now! This is supposed to be my first day there!" Huh. Either this really is Hope's Peak or some untalented folks (or whoever else had beef with the academy) thought that kidnapping students would be a good way to protest.

"I'm a new student too. I'm guessing you passed out once you entered the campus?" The boy nodded. "Oh um, my name is Makoto Naegi, by the way" "I'm (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)"

He put his hand on his chin as if he was thinking, then he looked back to me a bit confused "That's weird- i haven't heard a lot about you.." "Huh? What do you mean?" He then got a little flustered "Oh i j-just happened to look up who was gonna enroll in this class, out of curiosity. But i didn't find that much info about you" 'oh boy. he's probably the Ultimate Lucky Student isn't he?'

"Meh, i just asked the school not to talk about my talent online cause i don't like it." Naegi looked at me sympathetically "If it makes you feel any better, i'm the Ultimate Lucky Student.. it's not even a talent, i just won a lottery" 'Aaaand, absolutely called it.' "That's nothing to be ashamed of! Luck is awesome, man" he smiled a bit and mouthed a 'thank you.'

then i remembered the ceremony and looked at the clock. 7:56.

"Oh yeah, you should read that paper on your desk" i said pointing at it. Makoto grabbed it and read quickly before looking at the clock "Entrance ceremon- Well there's no time to think, we should hurry!" I didn't protest, i just opened the door and waited for him to follow me.

We walked around trying to find our way through 'these hallways are so weird-' until we heard some voices. We followed them until we came across a door that had an exit sign. As soon as we stepped in the talking stopped and everyone turned to look at us. it was uncomfortable.

"Woah, two new kids?" "So.. that makes sixteen, right? I wonder if this is everyone though..." Makoto then decided to speak "Um, hi. I'm Makoto Naegi" 'How did he manage to speak? There's like fourteen people in here? Oh, right, not everyone is antisocial, (Y/n).'

A short girl with brown hair spoke next. "Did you by any chance uh.. wake up in a room by yourselves?" "We did, actually" i replied. i would guess that all these people are also students of Hope's Peak. That, or Makoto and i have something else in common that isn't the school.

But these people looked way too eccentric to not be ultimates. Come on. One guy looked like a hamster. While i was lost in thought the chatter had started again. Suddenly, it was interrupted by a guy with red eyes and black hair "Just a moment! There is something else we must address!" he turned to Naegi and I.

"You two! Surely you must have been aware that this meeting was to start at 8 am sharp! To be late on your first day in unspeakable! I shall report you and you shall receive your due punishment." My only reaction was 'what.'

A blonde girl spoke up. "What's your problem? It's not like they wanted to be late. Besides, we have bigger issues." 'note to self: thank that girl later.'

Another girl with black drills then started speaking "That is indeed true. It would be best if we got some of them out of the way. we should make introductions to one another." a blonde with glasses questioned her "What do you mean by that? How would that even help our situation?"

I was with the blonde guy on this. I wasn't really looking forward to introducing myself again, but then drills girl made a good point. "Well, we are in an unknown place due to unknown reasons with unknown people. If we introduce ourselves, we will not be strangers to each other anymore, making this situation a bit more comfortable. Any objections?"

No one spoke. The girl chuckled "I am guessing that's settled, then" soon people started talking to each other.

'well if i'ma do this i'm not going alone. where's Naegi? oh, there's his ahoge-' "Hey, Makoto, can i ask you something?" "sure what is it?" "well since we both got to know each other already i was gonna ask if you wanted to talk to people together, since i'm not really comfortable on my own."

'i bet ten dollars he will say no' "Sure thing! If it makes you more comfortable there's no reason to decline." 'ok well the voices in my head just got ten dollars-'

Makoto and i then walked over to the guy that scolded us for being late, maybe to get him out of the way first.

!UNDER REWRITE! ~Nightmare~ {danganronpa thh reader insert} Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora